
How to Deal with Blame – Ajahn Brahm, Dr. Rhoberta Shaler, Andrew Kirby, Coach Frederik Imbo

Ajahn Brahm– If they call you a dog, look at your back side, see if you have a tail.– Donkey hole farmer shake it off stamp it in and you’re a little bit higher.– When you blame others you’re disempowering yourself. You’re giving your blamee the power.– Don’t blame mistakes, you grow from them.– Sandwich … Read more

Introspective Life Concepts That Will Make You Question Existence

(Scroll to the end to watch some funny shower thought shorts) Abstraction: There are scales of explanation. A human can be considered a person, mammal, collection of cells, collection of stardust. Sometimes the reason people can’t see eye to eye is that they’re unwittingly considering things at different levels of abstraction. Scope Neglect: We evolved … Read more

Barbara O’neill (Full Series) Disease, Diabetes, Weight Loss, Heart, Acid/Alkaline, Brain, Natural Remedies, Insomnia, Q&A

2023 update – I see a lot of interest in these videos. I’m more than happy to make a summary under each one so it’s easy to search for the information. Please do keep coming back and give me some time to summarise it. Also if this series doesn’t cover any of the topics please … Read more

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