
Deep Inner Game with David DeAngelo and Dr. Paul Dobransky – DVD 7 (Summary)

Back to Dr. Paul reflecting on what Rickard aka Billy talked about. – Observing ego helps you make your change. Your anxiety is what makes you do impulsive things e.g. addictions.– Doing the right thing will fill your courage tank. Doing the wrong thing will make it worse until you ‘decide’ to do the right … Read more

Deep Inner Game with David DeAngelo and Dr. Paul Dobransky – DVD 6 (Summary)

Politics Boundary– There are so many definitions of politics and The Prince is a good recommendation to deal with politics e.g. if you have dirty work to do, you hire a henchman to do the work so if anything goes off you are not to blame. (Paras note: Again see my in-depth summary on it … Read more

Deep Inner Game with David DeAngelo and Dr. Paul Dobransky – DVD 1 (Summary)

Paras’ Note: In my 20s, a series of unfortunate events left me feeling like a victim. The teachings and techniques from these DVDs transformed my mindset and helped me grow from boy to man. I hope they can help you as much as they helped me. Intro Dr. Paul Dobransky– Comes in with a Sword and … Read more

Conversations with God 4: Awaken the Species (Book Summary) by Neale Donald Walsch

(Audiobook and PDF link below the summary. Paras note: These books no longer serve me but my OCD made me get into it. This also means the summary may feel a little blasé.) Summary:The species needs to awaken and that means not only being aware of who you really are because everyone in the world. … Read more

Menopause Doctor – Mary Claire Haver (Podcast Summary)

Tell your story and make it a normal part of conversation. (The podcast is below the summary) Summary:Go to her site for a wide range of answers and resources.Apart from all the physical changes, the mental health is also affected.By the age of 30, women have 10% of their egg supply remaining and at age … Read more

9 Types of intelligences by Howard Gardner – Theory of Multiple Intelligences

To know about 12 Ways of Learning, click the link. Many of us are familiar with three general categories in which people learn: visual learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners. Beyond these three general categories, many theories of and approaches toward human potential have been developed. Among them is the theory of multiple intelligences, developed … Read more


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