
Dr. Shanna Swan – Plastic and Chemical Exposure on Health and Child Development (Summary)

For clarification this is a podcast summary where Dr. Shanna Swan talks with Joe Rogan. The podcast itself is at the bottom of the page. Summary: – The modern world is altering male and female reproductive development, threatening male sperm counts and thus also the human race.– We’re surrounded my so many chemicals everyday and … Read more

3 Reframes: Creating Present from Future, Rich vs. Welfare Mentality & What is in Your Cup?

3 ideas that will make you see things in a very different light. The first one was from a Tim Ferriss Podcast – Chip Wilson — Building Lululemon, the Art of Setting Goals, and the 10 Great Decisions of Your Life (#514). Chip Wilson talks about how people create their future based on their past, … Read more

Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds by David Goggins (Summary)

Summary video in less than 30 minutes Summary:– This is a book, podcast and radio talk show all in one. His book is read and then the reader asks him to talk about each part of the chapters. Explaining things like the accountability mirror, the governor, 40% rule, cookie jar and taking souls.– Goggins was … Read more

Podcast Summary: Shift from Victim Consciousness, Reduce Drama, Practice Candor and More – Jim Dethmer

4 Simple Questions on Inquiry– Is it true? E.g. Covid conspiracies.– Can I know for certain it’s true? E.g. Source.– When I believe the thought, how do I react? E.g. Fear.– Who would I be without the thought? E.g. At peace. Process1 – Begin with breathing, and specifically, conscious breathing. Simply breathe with a four-second … Read more

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