
Crushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuk (Audiobook Summary)

(Full audiobook at the end of this page) Crushing It! How Great Entrepreneurs Build their Business and Influence – and How You Can, Too. (This is a follow up to Crush It) Takeaways Building a personal brand is the way of the future and he predicted it. You can market your business or your personal … Read more

Menopause Doctor – Mary Claire Haver (Podcast Summary)

Tell your story and make it a normal part of conversation. (The podcast is below the summary) Summary:Go to her site for a wide range of answers and resources.Apart from all the physical changes, the mental health is also affected.By the age of 30, women have 10% of their egg supply remaining and at age … Read more

Miracle Doctor – Dr. Mindy Pelz: Revive Sex Life, Melt Belly Fat & Heal Injuries (Podcast Summary)

(Full video below summary) Just by compressing your eating window, you will reduce your need for medications and your health issues will drop. 2 Metabolisims:Burning energy when you eat – Not discussed a lot.Burning energy when you don’t eat – Releases ketones and that fixes your body. It’s also a fuel source for your body … Read more

How to Get Your Anger Under Control with Dr. Chip Tafrate – Podcast Summary

Anger is the forgotten emotion. Anger and aggression is different. Anger is internal, aggression action and can be done just for survival and not anger. Most people get angry regularly but will not have the response of aggression. Anger may have it’s place but ask yourself what good came out of it when you got … Read more

Batman Unburied (Podcast Series)

A psychological thriller which takes listeners on a “new journey deep into the mind of Bruce Wayne.” Listeners are introduced to a Batman who is a forensic pathologist in his civilian life, “working in the bowels of Gotham Hospital,” and tasked with examining the victims of Gotham City’s latest serial killer, The Harvester. Wayne has … Read more

Get a Handle on Your Anger (Podcast Summary) – David J. Lieberman

(Full audio after the summary) Podcast Summary:The root is that our desires, our goals, or expectations are not met and we feel threatened. Sometimes it’s a mask for other emotions, but even beyond that we find that anger comes because of a fear that I’m not good enough, lovable enough, worthy enough, which is why … Read more


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