
Deep Inner Game with David DeAngelo and Dr. Paul Dobransky – DVD 4 (Summary)

Courage– It’s the only way out.– Quotes the man in the arena (see below).– Doing the right thing is all you need which is a decision discussed in the previous DVDs. Do the right thing no matter how you feel.– Viktor Frankl made a decision in his head to overcome.– Just before doing courage you … Read more

Conversations with God 4: Awaken the Species (Book Summary) by Neale Donald Walsch

(Audiobook and PDF link below the summary. Paras note: These books no longer serve me but my OCD made me get into it. This also means the summary may feel a little blasé.) Summary:The species needs to awaken and that means not only being aware of who you really are because everyone in the world. … Read more

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer (Summary)

(Audiobook playlist below) Summary:– The author is a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and believes that plants and animals are our oldest teachers. She tells a story mixed with teachings of her people, mythology, parables, memoirs, scientific technicalities and has a poetic feel to it. I loved her idea of using the term braiding … Read more

Singapore for Bhav’s Bday – January 2024

Singapore was amazing! I love their rules and discipline, the beautiful greenery and efforts they make towards sustainability (I did notice way more plastic bags than anywhere else I’ve been). We were blessed to be guests of Sushil and Purvie, who make us experience the whole place even better. Purvie definitely knows all her food. … Read more

9 Types of intelligences by Howard Gardner – Theory of Multiple Intelligences

To know about 12 Ways of Learning, click the link. Many of us are familiar with three general categories in which people learn: visual learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners. Beyond these three general categories, many theories of and approaches toward human potential have been developed. Among them is the theory of multiple intelligences, developed … Read more

Bhagavad Gita Trimmed and Categorised by Paras

Paras note: I’ve only collected the shlokas that I thought were useful and catagorised them e.g. repeating themes, duties, emotions, practices to be performed, etc. Either I found it to be of useful knowledge as in mindset (which will be of normal formatting) or they are instructions on how practices should be performed (which will … Read more


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