
Deep Inner Game with David DeAngelo and Dr. Paul Dobransky – DVD 5 (Summary)

Starts with the audience being asked to share what blocks they want to overcome. Dr. Paul goes through what he taught in the previous DVDs and how to use them. Example: Anxiety to Talk in Public or to an Attractive WomanAudience member is asked to give the anxiety a number of units and he said … Read more

Deep Inner Game with David DeAngelo and Dr. Paul Dobransky – DVD 2 (Summary)

Model Problems – 3 Parts– Biology: Medicine can fix this.– Psychology: Education/Therapy can fix this.– Stress outside your Boundary: Making a DECISION about the stress will fix this. Think about the serenity prayer. So stress can affect psychology and in turn, the biology. (Paras note: Similar to Ayurveda). – A boundary with doors NOT holes … Read more

Deep Inner Game with David DeAngelo and Dr. Paul Dobransky – DVD 1 (Summary)

Paras’ Note: In my 20s, a series of unfortunate events left me feeling like a victim. The teachings and techniques from these DVDs transformed my mindset and helped me grow from boy to man. I hope they can help you as much as they helped me. Intro Dr. Paul Dobransky– Comes in with a Sword and … Read more

Menopause Doctor – Mary Claire Haver (Podcast Summary)

Tell your story and make it a normal part of conversation. (The podcast is below the summary) Summary:Go to her site for a wide range of answers and resources.Apart from all the physical changes, the mental health is also affected.By the age of 30, women have 10% of their egg supply remaining and at age … Read more

This Year, Let Go Of The People Who Aren’t Ready To Love You by Brianna Wiest (Misattributed to Anthony Hopkins)

It is the hardest thing you will ever have to do, and it will also be the most important: stop giving your love to those who aren’t ready to love you. Stop having hard conversations with people who don’t want to change. Stop showing up for people who are indifferent about your presence. Stop prioritizing … Read more

Atomic Habits – James Clear (Summary)

An easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones. Tiny changes, remarkable results. Lots of stories and experiments. Set goals, use systems and focus on systems getting better each day. So once you know your goal don’t focus on it and start working on the system making it better. 3 Changes … Read more

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