
The Divine Romance by Paramhansa Yogananda

Story: This is the book that changed everything for me. My mother gave me this book between 2000 – 2003 after my deportation (Entertaining story in the link). I was in a bad place going worse. When I started reading this book I stopped eating, going out and clubbing which I used to do religiously … Read more

Self-Parenting / Reparenting ​for Personal Growth, Correcting Wrong Conditioning, Forgiving Toxic Parenting & Healing Childhood Trauma

The Importance of Self-Parenting or Reparenting – Personal Growth & Correcting Wrong Conditioning Summary:– There is no perfect way of parenting. – Your inner parent is always talking to your inner child. ​- The left brain is the parent and the right brain is the child. – Your view of the worlds as a child … Read more

The Urantia Book: Revealing the Mysteries of God, the Universe, World History, Jesus, and Ourselves by The Urantia Foundation

First of all the book is 2000+ pages divided into 4 parts and 196 papers.Warning: If you think the table of contents and papers are hard to figure out… you’re in for a whole load of mind humperry. They weren’t joking when they called them papers. Feels like I was in a mock exam. I … Read more

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