
Patanjali Yoga Sutras – Summary of Commentary by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Detailed videos by The Sanskrit Channel at the bottom of the post. Free PDF version of the full texts in Sanskrit, English and more – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Interpretive Translation Presented by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati www.SwamiJ.com Summary: Chapter 1: Concentration (Samadhi Pada)1.1 atha yoga anushasanam – Now, the teachings of yoga1.2 yogash chitta vritti nirodhah – … Read more

Disarming The Narcissist – Surviving & Thriving with the Self-Absorbed by Wendy T. Behary (Summary)

You may have heard the term “narcissistic injury.” This refers to the dynamic wherein, for a narcissist, saying a simple “I’m sorry” is like saying, “I am the worst human being on earth.” Checklist (only check off traits that are expressed excessively)– Self-absorbed (acts like everything is all about him or her)– Entitled (makes the … Read more

Meditation – Play. The Universe is an Empty Shell Wherein Your Mind Frolics Infinitely

GRACIOUS ONE, PLAY. THE UNIVERSE IS AN EMPTY SHELL WHEREIN YOUR MIND FROLICS INFINITELY. This second technique is based on the dimension of play. That has to be understood. If you are inactive, it is good to fall into deep emptiness, into the inner abyss. But you cannot be empty the whole day and you … Read more

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