
Termites – The Inner Sanctum

Summary:– They don’t have eyes.– A queen can rule over a million termites.– They can take down houses by digging into the wood.– Ants evolved from wasps and are not strictly vegetarian while termites evolved from cockroaches and are strictly vegetarian.– Termites eat things like lichen to deadwood. They’ll big the wood which is softened … Read more

The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey (Summary)

Summary:– Note: I’m going to try my best to keep out the parts where the book tires to discredit other beliefs.– History of LaVay working in the circus, becoming a magician’s assistant, studying hypnosis and the occult, enrolling to be a criminologist.– LaVey’s Satan is “the spirit of progress, the inspirer of all great movements … Read more

How you Treat ADHD Based Off Science – Dr. Russell Barkley

Video below summarySummary:– The brain: Back part is where you learn, front is where you do. So you can know stuff and you won’t do stuff. This is called a performance disorder. – ADHD interrupts the executive functions and can be called ‘time blindness’. It’s not an attention but and intention deficit disorder because you … Read more

Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender by David R. Hawkins

Notes:When I started the book I thought that the author was so well-read, educated and informed. As I progressed in the book I realised that he’s collated information from Buddhism and other religions, name-dropped people like Viktor Frankl his work with logotherapy as discussed in Man’s Search for Meaning to Think and Grow Rich and … Read more

3 Reframes: Creating Present from Future, Rich vs. Welfare Mentality & What is in Your Cup?

3 ideas that will make you see things in a very different light. The first one was from a Tim Ferriss Podcast – Chip Wilson — Building Lululemon, the Art of Setting Goals, and the 10 Great Decisions of Your Life (#514). Chip Wilson talks about how people create their future based on their past, … Read more

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