
Dr. Shanna Swan – Plastic and Chemical Exposure on Health and Child Development (Summary)

For clarification this is a podcast summary where Dr. Shanna Swan talks with Joe Rogan. The podcast itself is at the bottom of the page. Summary: – The modern world is altering male and female reproductive development, threatening male sperm counts and thus also the human race.– We’re surrounded my so many chemicals everyday and … Read more

The Book of Secrets (112 Meditations to Discover the Mystery Within) – Osho

The original text is called Vigyana Bhairava Tantra where Shiva (Bhairava) shares 112 meditation techniques with his consort Shakti (Bhairavi). The 112 meditations of the world are broken down from as many angles as Osho can expound on. The knowledge Osho share is profound even if you don’t do the meditations. I believe I started … Read more

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