
THE ANCIENT NEW AGE by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (August 1996 Santa Monica, California)

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Theory of evolution often presents to us that time is linear within that man evolved from a stone age and became better and better. He was uncivilized in the beginning, barbaric, then he became civilized and cultured and better off. I see this as a short-sighted conclusion. You go little back, … Read more

OVERCOMING OBSTACLES ON THE PATH by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (January 1997 Santa Monica, California)

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: In your life you do face obstacles right? Both in personal and social life. Anyone here who has not faced any obstacles in your life? (laughter) You can raise your hand. We do face obstacles. First of all you identify the obstacle, where is it coming from. What is the source. … Read more

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