
Thought Produces Everything in the Universe by Paramhansa Yoganand

Paramhansa Yogananda A theory has been advanced that thought is a product of the endocrine glands. Such a conception is unfounded. Flesh cannot produce thought. Mind is the architect of the microcosm and the macrocosm. As water by cooling and condensation becomes ice, so thought by condensation assumes physical form. Everything in the universe is … Read more

Without Self-Analysis, Man Leads Robot like Life by Paramhansa Yoganand

Paramhansa Yogananda Millions of people never analyze themselves. Mentally they are mechanical products of the factory of their environment, preoccupied with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, working and sleeping, and going here and there to be entertained. They don’t know what or why they are seeking, nor why they never realize complete happiness and lasting satisfaction. … Read more

Cauterize the “Can’ts” in Your Brain by Paramhansa Yoganand

Paramhansa Yogananda A weak will is a mortal will. As soon as trials and failure cut it off, it loses its connection with the dynamo of the Infinite. But behind human will is the divine will that c an never fail. Even death has no power to deter divine will. The Lord will definitely answer … Read more

Bhavanyastakam by Urmila Devi Goenka & Craig Pruess with Sanskrit & English Lyrics – from Sacred Chants Of Shiva

Bhavanyastakam Urmila Devi Goenka Sacred Chants Of Shiva by Craig Pruess Na Taato Na Maataa Na Bandhur Na DaataaNa Putro Na Putrii Na Bhrtyo Na Bhartaa |Na Jaayaa Na Vidyaa Na Vrttir Mama IvaGatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani ||1|| Meaning:1.1: Neither the Father, nor the Mother; Neither the Relation and Friend, nor the Donor,1.2: Neither the … Read more

The History of Lohanas and the Thakrar Family Surname Arvind Thakrar

For more information on Lohanas click here – Lohana Kings of Kashmir and Kabul & Lohanas … from Wikipedia The Lohanas trace their roots in history right up to the time of the Aryans in the Indian sub-continent which included the present-day Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan, making theirs the oldest surviving community in the world. … Read more

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