
City Slum Firm Uses Internet to Sell ‘Akala’

Story by KENNEDY SENELWA Publication Date: 1/23/2006A community organisation is using the Internet to reach potential customers worldwide for footwear made from old tyres. Through the website www.ecosandals.com , Ecosandals.com is boosting sales of open shoes locally known as akala. It employs youths of Nairobi’s Korogocho slums. The name of the sandals varies with places in … Read more

Inspirational Quotes from 3 Idiots Movie in English and an Important Video on not Being a Price Tag Donkey

Full movie at the bottom of the page. Please do let me know if you find an online copy with English subtitles. “Ever since we were young, we believed that life was a race. If we didn’t run fast enough, we would be trampled and overtaken. Man, even to be born, we had to race … Read more

Gold Fillings Parable

Aren’t we all mere gold filings picked up by this universe from the earth & brought to the Goldsmith. The Goldsmith first wipes, dusts, separates the mud out in the sieve, individually picks out the dirt and throws it out, then washes & cleans it up. Then comes the most toughest job of melting & … Read more

How to Get and Keep a Man … Before you Hit ‘The Wall’

SHOCKING! Former Feminists Ticking Biological Clock Causes Major Panic! Summary: – Educated independent woman having issues finding someone and worried she’ll not find someone. – She dated someone casually from the Middle East knowing there would not be any future. – Relationships didn’t work because they weren’t smart enough. And if they were smart they … Read more

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