
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Talks in Germany

Cartoon Strip (Funny) – Talked about how a certain cartoon strip was taken so seriously. If it’s done more than once then of course there should be concern but otherwise it was just a joke. So many religious figures are joked about, how come this one caused so much drama? Here’s the funny bit, Argentina’s … Read more

Stuck in life/not growing/bombarded by desires… from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

When you feel you are stuck in life and not growing, or are bombarded by desires, when you feel dryness, no enthusiasm, no juice, what do you do? Here is the solution: feel generous — right now, not tomorrow, but right now. Both a princess and a pauper can feel generous. Generosity is a quality … Read more

What is the Difference Between SWAHILI and KISWAHILI

Swahili and Kiswahili are essentially the same language. “Swahili” is the English term for the language, while “Kiswahili” is the term used in the language itself to refer to the language. So, “Swahili” and “Kiswahili” are two different ways of referring to the same language spoken in East Africa. With reference to the language (as … Read more

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