
Aboriginal Use of Fungi – Some Colonial Findings

In 1841 the explorer George Grey published an account of his travels in Western Australia and reported that he’d seen seven species of fungi eaten by the Aborigines. He commented that “The different kinds of fungus are very good. In certain seasons of the year they are abundant, and the natives eat them greedily”. The … Read more

Sharknado – The Best Selling, Worst Movie Franchise That Pop Culture Fans Must Watch – SPOILERS ALERT!

(My favorite gifs below) It all start with me wondering about what happened to the beautiful Tara Reid and seeing her connection to the movies in IMDb. I was reluctant at first because if I start something my OCD makes me finish it even it’s unpleasant. Well I’m more than glad I did check out … Read more

Online Recycling Facility Tour Canning Vale Centre April 2022

Hi everyone,Thank you for attending the online tour on Tuesday We are always wanting to improve our tours experience. We would appreciate it if you could complete this online feedback survey (click the link below)https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=AcsgdpuK00aSIihq8ceWvTNFTdDaLkBBoTKgfYEDuNtUMURMWUFGR1BGQ01IWDc5ODlPOEZKRDY4VS4u We had lots of great questions during the tour! I have outlined them below with the answers: How is leachate … Read more

Life Units – Pitrs, Kinnaras, Gandharvas, Yakshas, Devas (Angels) & Siddhas Explained – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The subtle consciousness has many layers to it. The spirit is one, yet spirit is not one. There are many layers to the spirit. The whole universe is permeated by spirit, by Brahman, yet in different degrees. A stone has one unit of life. Stones have life, and stones have gender. There are male stones … Read more

Batman Unburied (Podcast Series)

A psychological thriller which takes listeners on a “new journey deep into the mind of Bruce Wayne.” Listeners are introduced to a Batman who is a forensic pathologist in his civilian life, “working in the bowels of Gotham Hospital,” and tasked with examining the victims of Gotham City’s latest serial killer, The Harvester. Wayne has … Read more

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