
Margarine? Pass the Butter!

*Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get their money back. *It was a white substance with no food appeal … Read more

Quotes on Music from Taz

Special big whoop to Ludwig van B, the man loved his music! Thought this was an appropriate way to jumpstart your quotes. xx – If I ever die of a heart attack, I hope it will be from playing my stereo too loud. Anonymous – Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space … Read more

Myths and Facts on ‘The Virus’ by Infectious Disease Epidemiology Expert Michael Osterholm

Full video interview under the summary. This is just the beginning and there is more to come for a while. It’s like an influenza virus being spread through the air and we get infected even before the symptoms show. Within a few days the spread of infections and increase in death rates was unbelievable so … Read more

Grow Your Leaders – Robin Sharma

We live in an interesting world. Companies rise and fall faster than ever before. Technology makes whole industries redundant. Globalization creates more competition. What worked yesterday is obsolete this afternoon. Yet, some companies endure. They evolve. They set the pace of change. They birth the new. And they do it with the same limitations and … Read more

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