
Garden and Wormbin Update Sep – Dec 2022

Garden Update – Sept 2022 Plants Destroyed Garden Update Oct 22 – Dead Loofah, Damselfly, Grape Vine, BSF, Redoing a LOT Garden Update Nov-Dec 2022: Grapes, Aphids, Ladybugs, Nasturtiums, Frangipani, Chillies, LIMES!!! How NOT to Grow Potatoes From Eyes :( Aug – Dec 2022 – Feedback Welcome

Salmonella, the Unseen Killer at Bird Feeders

Recently on social media, people have posted pictures of dead or sick birds in their garden. In one of these posts, a poster posted a picture on facebook of two apparently healthy tauhou/silvereyes found dead under an olive tree They appeared uninjured although they had fluffed up feathers. The photographer, had often found dead tauhou/silvereyes … Read more

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