
Toyota C-HR Koba Hybrid 2022 – In-depth Look

Toyota C-HR Koba Hybrid 2022 – Inside and Outside Features and Review Related Links:– 25 Different Accessories MODS You Can Have In Your TOYOTA CHR CH-R Exterior Interior– Vacuum/Blower link to Amazon | AliExpress | Ebay– Tailgate Lift link to Amazon | AliExpress | Ebay– Car Seat Gap Organiser Wallet link to Amazon | AliExpress … Read more

Pest Control workshop by Terra Perma at Duncraig Edible Garden

Summary:Figure out what nature does. Humans have come up with the term pest and it’s personal. Same with weeds (insert link). If we weren’t there these ‘pests’ would be doing things like growth control, composting, pollinating/spreading seed, cycling life, working with nature. To control these pests we need predators and nature will bring them naturally. … Read more

Never Eat Until You’re Full – Health Advice from Various Cultures and People

näty-ashnatas ’tu yogo ’sti na caikäntam anashnataù na cäti-svapna-shélasya jägrato naiva cärjunaThere is no possibility of one’s becoming a yogé, O Arjuna, if one eats too much or eats too little, sleeps too much or does not sleep enough.Bhagvad Gita – 6.16 I FORGOT THIS VERY IMPORTANT STUDYYou can even eat junk food as long … Read more

The Most Emotional Monsoons/Storms Time-lapse by Mike Olbinski

From MikeEarly on this summer when I found myself down by Santa Rosa, AZ watching a gorgeous hail core fall on the stunning desert landscape, and then later that day staring at a haboob with a stacked shelf cloud above it near the border of Mexico, I had a feeling it would be a unique … Read more

Garden and Wormbin Update Sep – Dec 2022

Garden Update – Sept 2022 Plants Destroyed Garden Update Oct 22 – Dead Loofah, Damselfly, Grape Vine, BSF, Redoing a LOT Garden Update Nov-Dec 2022: Grapes, Aphids, Ladybugs, Nasturtiums, Frangipani, Chillies, LIMES!!! How NOT to Grow Potatoes From Eyes :( Aug – Dec 2022 – Feedback Welcome

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