
The Power of Myth – Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers

Click to watch the videos Click to get the companion book, ebook or audiobook Episode 1: The Hero’s Adventure About Campbell, hero types, hero deeds, Jesus Christ, the Buddha, Krishna, movie heroes, Star Wars as a metaphor, an Iroquois story: the refusal of suitors, dragons, dreams and Jungian psychology, “follow your bliss,” consciousness in plants, Gaia, … Read more

The Narcissism Epidemic – Red Table Talk with Dr. Ramani Durvasula

Full video below the summary. Ramani defines narcs as people with a lot of self-hate instead of people just into themselves. They don’t have empathy for other people, they’re grandiose, deeply entitled, arrogant. They can’t deal with frustration and when they get frustrated they become rageful. You cannot win an argument with them. So if … Read more

Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia

Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia is an docuseries. The show follows Hamilton Morris as he explores the history, chemistry, and societal impact of psychoactive substances. It chronicles Morris’ travels and first-hand experiences, as well as interviews with scientists, shamans, and fringe culture figures. Season 1 1 The Story of the South African QuaaludeSouth Africa is the last place on earth Quaaludes can still be found. Hamilton … Read more

Excellent Talk on Negotiations – How Creatives Should Negotiate by Ramit Sethi

My Notes:– Reframes negotiating as a good thing and you can use it anywhere! Gyms, credit cards, phone companies, etc. – Gives you scrips you can good. Links with other goodies below. – Build rapport by talking about how long you’ve been with them. Stay cool. – Ask what else can they do or offer. … Read more

Anthony Robbins’ – Six Human Needs & Healing/Rebuilding Broken Relationships

1. CertaintyAll human beings crave a certain level of safety, assurance and predictability in our lives, for this is the foundation of our most basic behaviour: survival. When things are VERY uncertain, we tend to be freaked out! Which causes us to reach for different vehicles of comfort such as friends/family, television, or alcohol. And once we’re … Read more


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