
The Boon and Bane of Boredom

The Boon and Bane of Boredom One of my favorite contradictions. Since as far back as I can remember I’ve had this programmed into me… ‘been there, done that’. And if thats the case I don’t even have to consciously decide on my options… anything but what I’ve already experienced. Whatever it is… if it’s … Read more

Twink’s Tribute to Mathe – Aruna Thakrar RIP 7th June 2006

MOM # 2 It all began on the 20th of October 2005.Called her up to wish her A Happy Birthday.Happily she’d say- come home soon…Never could get my name and when I’d call she’d say, Nadia?Paras must have gotten her to call me Twinkle/Twinx.Later on it became about Art of Living.Nonstop calls for info on … Read more

Boring TV?

Ever been in front of the TV flicking away, not finding anything interesting? It’s happened lots of times to lots of us right? We’re there pointing our remote at the TV, abusing it for being so BORING!!!! Couple of years back I sat on the other side. What do you think the TV thinks about … Read more

Awesome Autumn

Autumns one of the most artistic seasons man. First they start getting all these fiery colours from red to yellow to ash-ish brown. Some of the trees I wanted to take pictures of were gorgeous! I mean like bright red to luminous yellow. And the beauty of it is that the sun doesn’t have to … Read more

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