
How to Undo the Damage of Sitting & The Forgotten Art of Squatting

We all know by now how bad sitting for long amounts of time is for our bodies. If you don’t watch this TED Talk about our Primal Posture first. Find your primal posture and sit without back pain: Esther Gokhale at TEDxStanford Summary:– Imagine we have tails and our tails should be behind us not … Read more

How Men Can Manage Risk in Dating and Marriage – Shawn Smith (Podcast with Summary)

​ – If marriage or dating is done right life is just better for men on the whole. – What they learn from their parents about relationships is what they repeat. – Biggest mistake is letting a relationship progress unintentionally. Frog in boiling water. Most people cohabitation said that ‘it just happened’. – Script humans follow … Read more

The Science & Crucial Importance of Sleep with Professor Matthew Walker, Shawn Stevenson, National Geographic & Dr. Mercola

Summary from Professor Matthew Walker – 2 stages which are REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and Non-REM. REM is also known as dream sleep. Non-REM is divided into 4 stages. The deep stages 3 and 4 is where body replenishment, cardio, metabolism, etc happens. Your body resists going into these stages when they’re in a foreign … Read more

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