
Crush It! Cash in your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuk (Summary)

(Full audiobook below summary) 3 Rules: Social media means business. You spend time at work so why not work on your own business of doing what you love most. Think of yourself as a brand.His history and motivation.Storytelling is a skill so underrated. People want to be told what’s best for them.Above all, be honest. … Read more

River People and Goal People (Do You Live In The Moment or Are You Future Oriented) Earl Nightingale

River People and Goal People – The Strangest Secret In the vast river of life, individuals can be broadly categorized as either goal people or river people. Earl Nightingale, a renowned self-help expert, introduced these distinctions, emphasizing that both types can find personal fulfillment and success, albeit through different approaches. In Stephen M. Shapiro’s book, … Read more

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