
The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight by James Redfield

The book takes us to Tibet this time. The story ended abruptly with a preachy message but the follow-up books have seemed more like reaching for straws anyway.

Some takeaways:
True prayers are not requested but affirmation.

More and more people having similar dreams of Shambhala.

Dakini/angels/luminosities – they are the same in every culture and will show themselves more as we increase our energy.

Eat high energy food while the prana is still alive in them to increase your energy.

Be aware of expectations and if you expect someone to behave badly they will so look for good expectations. It’s ok to see things as they are but then you have to see things as they could be and the potential in them – it is the Tibetan code of compassion.

Look for the next clue, connection, coincidence especially while keeping your energy high.

The place what was part way Shambala is where people can create things they need from thought.

Preachy ending – Build a conscious thought network and all religions unify into one religion.

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About the Book
Title Page

  1. Fields of Intention
  2. The Call of Shambhala
  3. Cultivating Energy
  4. Conscious Alertness
  5. The Contagion of Awareness
  6. The Passage
  7. Entering Shambhala
  8. The Life Process
  9. The Energy of Evil
  10. Acknowledging the Light
  11. The Secret of Shambhala

About the Author
The works of James Redfield
Random House

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