Back in 2005-2008, I came across The Ultimate Inner Game by Hypnotica NLP, a comprehensive program that truly transformed my mindset. Utilising powerful NLP and hypnosis techniques, this DVD set provided step-by-step guidance to help individuals banish fear, anxiety, and limiting beliefs that hold them back. The programβs focus on achieving ultimate inner confidence resonated deeply with me, equipping me with the tools to overcome personal challenges and unlock my true potential. It was more than just a self-help guideβit was a life-changing experience that reshaped how I approached growth and self-assurance.
Right of the bat he challenges the audience when they use words like ‘always’.
He reframes a thought about ‘what everyone thinks about me’ to ‘do you think about what they don’t think about you or that they don’t think about you’.
Start slowing down your doubting processes so you can catch them while they happen. It comes in through a BS box or Enhancement box which the BS is created and make it a reality for the person when it’s not the real reality. You’re making it have meaning for you because of whatever your box is used to making for you.
You can’t transform overnight but you make slight changes and over the course of time you’ll change your whole trajectory. Some things will work and some wont, but you keep at it. If one route doesn’t work you know you have other routes even if it’s a longer way. You are not a robot with just one choice and not in a dilemma with just 2 choices. You ideally need 3 or more.
Think of it as changing a slide in your projector. What would you reset if you could use the Men in Black pen to forget it all.
Hypnotica recommends doing the techniques for an hour to really hone the skills or techniques and give it 3-5 days for it to integrate.
Exercise: Approaching a Woman Visualisation
– Whatever you’re imagining, observe if it’s in black and white, what kind of vision it is e.g. movie. It is big?
– Now change the colour, pause it, move it far away to the size of a food stamp.
– Observe how you feel after you change it. Do you feel less stressful?
Every little move you take has a definitive reality in your future.
Limiting Belief Exercise: Scrooge Pattern
– Close your eyes and think about your limiting belief. Thinking of something that bothered you/holding you back. You’re not good enough, you can’t do it, etc.
– Notice how it’s affected your life until this point in time. What opportunities have you missed. What did you limit yourself from doing.
– Notice how that makes you feel. Does it make you feel stuck.
– Now look 6 months in the future. 6 months of all the BS and indecision etc. 6 months of not doing the things you want to do. How do you feel?
– If you were to look into a mirror would you look more alive? Happier?
– Now do it again 1 year in the future. 1 year of disappointments and beating yourself up.
– What you do look like in the mirror?
– Now repeat again 5 years ahead. What are people saying about you now? What are you saying about yourself.
– Repeat for 20 years. Who are you in the mirror? Look back 20 years ago of not making that decision.
– Realise that one small belief or thought carries with it this whole burden. What excuses do you now have?
– Now go back to the point of that indecision and see that this is the life you could have led. You realise that the beliefs that don’t work for you will have this effect. Your future is down to a lack of behaviour or belief in yourself.
– Go back in time to the present and here. Understand that the belief has a bigger goal. You can be happy to realise that it hasn’t happened yet and that you can change it.
– Now only open your eyes when you realise that it was a false future.
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Positive Belief Exercise
– Pick a positive belief you want to incorporate e.g. I still go for it even though I still feel reluctant or I’m starting to talk to women with more comfort. (In a way the opposite of what negative belief you have).
– Close your eyes and think about your new empowering belief and where you feel it and how you feel it.
– Notice how you begin to open new doorways, behaviours and possibilities for yourself.
– How would you be looking at the world differently.
– How will things look for you 1 month in the future with new possibilities, experience and behaviours. How many more doors opened for you in this month and what are some new surprising things are you doing now.
– Look at the mirror and notice the difference in the reflection. Do you look more alive and happier?
– Notice what people are starting to say.
– Take these beliefs and move 6 months in the future of ALL the new changes you’ve made. 6 months of all the doors opened and the resources available to you.
– Take these beliefs and move 1 year in the future of ALL the new changes you’ve made. 1 year of all the doors opened and the resources available to you. Notice the people who were on the same boat as you and didn’t make the same decisions you made.
– How much healthier do you feel and the energy you have.
– Imagine 2 years of positive successes. 2 years of becoming more of the person you want to become here and now. How much power do you feel?
– Look in the mirror of 2 years where you decided it and it snowballed to 2 years of the natural you.
– Look back at how much easier it was for you to do this and get here. A powerful person.
– Take all of that and go to 5 years. How you are the boss now. Notice your breathing. Everything in you has built to this power.
– Look in the mirror and see how you have everything you wanted. Take it in.
– Now take it all with you to 20 years. Look at the power you have that you are influencing your family and your environment. You have so much to give so many people now.
– Look in the mirror and the pride you have with what you have created with your move to make the decision.
– Now move to the end of your life. Was this worth it? Yes? You chose it, you created it and brought that power into this world. You created a map for others, and you are a model for all these people. So you can now open it and give the gift to them.
– Find a place inside yourself to lock this whole idea in. Breath in the energy so it radiates in your body and moves through your veins. Bring that smile that makes you feel good as you do it. Breate it in deeper and wider and strong for a few more breaths.
– When you are ready breath in one more time to seal your aura with this power you feel.
– Now start breathing to overflow this energy down to the whole timeline you have gone through just now. It’s filling up the people, it shows you the road to easily walk the path you have made. It will move you and pull you to your path.
– As you integrate it into yourself. You can open your eyes. Observe how your energy has changed as the shifts have happened inside.
– Stand up and shake it out and get it to flow.
Eye Scramble Pattern
(Quick and Easy Tool to ‘scratch the grooves on the record’ or snap out of being a little anxious. You can do it with a friend or someone to guide it. You can also as a women to think of a guy she’d like to date and see where she looks. Slowly move yourself to that position.)
– When you address the issue notice where their eyes go.
– Tell the person to keep thinking about the issue that makes them anxious while their eye follows your finger.
– Remind them to keep their head straight. Only move the eyes.
– Move the finger up to down, side to side in big strokes. At some point you’ll notice their eye will get a little bit disjointed or there is a ‘glitch’ in the movement. That is when you know it’s broken.
– Every now and then pretend to do a big stroke and stop halfway and change direction. Switch hands if you get tired.
– Do it a for a couple of minutes.
– If they’re not coming out you can even use both hands and start at the centre then go opposite directions.
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Spatial Anchor Exercise
(You can do this one by yourself or with others.)
– Think of a state that you don’t like or is unresourceful or not comfortable of. If you’re working on someone else you get them to fully get into that state.
– Think of that full image over your body and then step back out of that hologram. (He does these breathing puffs to emphasise the exit from the hologram as the person steps out).
– You can look at the hologram in front with eyes open or visualise them and ask yourself what resource does that person need in order to be more successful.
– Many times just stepping out can do it for the person but it’s good to dig deeper.
– Think about the state or what the person needs to become to overcome the hologram state.
– Now step back out for that state also and ask what could be added to hologram 2 to make it more powerful. Visualise it fully. Participant said ‘wild man’.
– Anchor that state and step back out of hologram 3. (The person he is trying this on is already visibly more confident and happy). Again what else can you add to where you are standing now. Participant says ‘crazy relaxation zone’. Add it to your state and once you fully anchor it…
– Step back and out of hologram 4. Participant called it ‘euphoric abundance’. (Paras note: I remember my body buzzing from the rush and euphoria I was feeling when I did this exercise). Take in the viewpoint and take in how good you feel from where you are standing.
– When you’re ready, start stepping forward into hologram 4 and collected that ‘euphoric abundance’ and add it to your state.
– When you’re ready, step forward into hologram 3 and collect the ‘crazy relaxation zone’ and integrate it with what you have already.
– When you’re ready, stop forward in hologram 2 ‘wild man’ and repeat.
– Finally step into the bothersome hologram 1 and notice how it’s transformed. As you transform that, notice how it seems transformed and enriched.
– When you feel like the shift has completed you can open your eyes.
Notes: The whole time Hypnotica was taking notes of the states he was feeling and talking about and making notes of it and when he wanted to really anchor something he would press the participant in the same place. You may need to do it a few times to feel it. A funny thing he said is that you can even leave your weak hologram in it’s spatial anchor and get someone you don’t like to stand or sit there. You can also notice how much it fades the more you step back from the weak hologram.
Movie Exercise
(We all have movies we run and we’re going to separate the meaning we’ve given the movie).
– Think about some characters that can rip you apart with jokes like Borat/Jim Carey. They will be ripping your BS apart.
– Think of a threating situation or gives you some anxiety e.g. approaching women.
– While seated, close your eyes and imagine you’re in a theatre/cinema.
– In front of you there is a silhouette or the jokers e.g. Jim Carey. You can hear them getting ready for the movie to start so they can start their jokes.
– You can see them and the movie screen. Start playing the anxious movie that you play in your head.
– What are they saying about the situation. E.g. look at him walking, he can’t do it. Notice them watching you on the screen and realise that you can find humour.
– Rewind the movie so the new views who have just joined can do the same ridiculing your movie.
– Perhaps they comment how your face looks, how you hesitate, how you start speaking funny or you can’t get the words out so they make funny words up for you.
– Now rewind and play the movie faster. Rewind and play it even faster. They can’t comment on it now, they don’t get a chance.
– Imagine they have a big bright flashlight in their hands. See how it fades away the image on the screen where they shine it. As they play with the flashlight it spreads so much that the image on the screen disappears. They keep playing with it so then some spots come back. Keep trying different combos.
– Imagine one of their hands stretches to the corner of the black screen and they rip it down like a cartoon with the sound effects.
– You’re still trying to watch the movie but they’ve had a field day with it. They have a pen and they erase your privates or they draw funny things on your like funny clothes, moustace, etc. They get wilder. The music changes to polka or circus music.
– Now you can bring up the lights and open your eyes. Realise the movie is over.
– Try to access your anxious movie again and see how it’s changed. You can do this with all kinds of movies in your head.
(Paras note: This is not the exercise I thought it would be so I’ll tell you about another one where you can change colour, volume, character, etc. if this program doesn’t have it.)
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Foodball Walk Exercise (One of my favourites)
– This will get you to fill yourself with confidence. You will walking on a line where everything behind you will be less confidence and everything in front of you will build your confidence with every step you take.
– Close your eyes and be aware of where you feel in confidence (Paras note: Lets call it Confidence 0).
– Notice how you feel when you take a small step back and leave the Confidence 0.
– Step forward to notice the difference and then take 2 steps back and notice how much worse you feel. Notice how you feel different in all, even your posture and breathing.
– Now take a step forward and then step back to see the difference.
– Now that you have an idea start taking steps forward and brining that confidence with you. Then look back to see how much more powerful you feel compared to where you were.
– Keep stepping into more and more confidence. Turn fully around and look at the weaker confidence states and how you let things bother you in those states compared to this super confident state.
– You can roll the weaker confidence states and throw them away. (Sound effects)
– Now that you’ve thrown those away you have a new starting point and you can move forward from them as many times as you want or need. (Hypnotica has done football pitches of this which is why he gave it the name. You won’t even remember your previous states of confidence if you do it that far.)
– You can do this for a few minutes everyday and always end in the positive.
Paras note: I used to incorporate a lot more time and visualisation of locking it in like imagining who you would be and what it would feel like when you step into the more powerful states.
Alignment Process
There are 7 logical ways of thinking. Environment > Behaviours (in your environment) > Capabilities (of how you do your behaviours in the environment >Beliefs (that affected your capabilities and so on) > Identity > Mission statement/spiritual self. So if any of these are not aligned you will not get the full push/full power.
– Ask yourself when and where do you want to be in a peak state e.g. I want to have confidence and fluidity when I’m talking.
– Stand in a way that you have space behind you.
– A series of questions will be asked and the answers should pop up straight away.
– Close your eyes and ask ‘when and where do you want this specific peak state?’. Once you have the image, step back out of that hologram 1.
– Next ask yourself what behaviour do you need in order to have that peak state? What will you being doing?
– Step back from hologram 2 and ask yourself what capabilities you need to support that behaviour? How will you be thinking?
– Step back from hologram 3 and asked what beliefs do you need to support those capabilities?
– Step back from hologram 4 and ask who you are. Who are you and can you think of a symbol that could represent the ideal you?
– Step back from hologram 5 and ask from a spiritual point who you are. Who else do you affect in the bigger picture?
– Once you have that, take all the knowledge and the wisdom from hologram 6 and bring it with you as you step back into hologram 5.
– Notice how it changes and enriches the identity of that hologram and maybe even changes the symbol.
– Then step forward into your beliefs and values hologram and notice how it enriches that hologram.
– Now take all that you’ve collected and stop into your capabilities. Notice how it enriches the way that you perform your capabilities now.
– Repeat for the behaviours hologram.
– Repeat for the environment hologram. Stay in it and really feel it.
– When you’re ready, imagine taking everything you’ve accumulated to a time into the future. How are you going to do things differently as you bring them with you.
– Go even further into the future to allow you to see how you have become the person you always wanted to be.
– From this point look back and notice how many changes you have made.
– Now to way back in time to where you can remember yourself. Notice how you can see how it transforms the way you used to me. Giving you new resources and insights of things that would have hindered you in the past. (Paras note: Lots of words. Basically, realise how you’ve changed your view on those things or added resources to your past events.)
– When you’re ready and feel a change has happened, open your eyes.
(The participant was visibly transformed and he did say that he felt a little disoriented.)
Bonus Lecture
– Talks about using the hands to separate good states on one side and pile a lot and not so many bad states on another and then clap them together. He calls it covert hypnosis. It helps to collapse little anchors.
– Participant says that they couldn’t even go back to the original bad state because they were feeling so good.
– He says f*** rapport. Why do all these things to match others. Create your own rapport. Instead of matching blinking patterns, just throw your thunder bolt and let them follow because you have the stronger hand. (Paras note: Dave Chappelle calls it the bigger dream).
– He has trained himself to hardly ever blink so that he’s constantly there. He imagines looking right through the person about 3-4 feet behind them. Like when you’re so into the conversation that you’re right there.
– Talks about patterns and double binds. (Keep an eye out for Speed Seduction for that info). How to use linguistic BS to get the desired state.
Recommended Reading:
– Spirit of NLP by Michael Hall
– Mind-Lines: Lines For Changing Minds by L. Michael Hall & Bobby G. Bodenhamer
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Other projects from Hypnotica I did were Awakening Powerful Self Confidence Workshop (he did this with Steve P of Sensual Awakening/White Tiger Tantra) and Secret of the Sphinx/Sphinx of Imagination.
Disk 1
1 Intro
2 Limiting Belief
3 Positive Belief
4 Eye Scramble
Disk 2
1 Spatial Anchor
2 Movie Exercise
3 Football Walk
4 Conclusion
1 Alignment
2 Bonus Lecture
3 Credits
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