
Deep Inner Game with David DeAngelo and Dr. Paul Dobransky – DVD 5 (Summary)

Links to the full summary series
DVD 1 | DVD 2 | DVD 3 | DVD 4 | DVD 5 | DVD 6 | DVD 7

Starts with the audience being asked to share what blocks they want to overcome. Dr. Paul goes through what he taught in the previous DVDs and how to use them.

Example: Anxiety to Talk in Public or to an Attractive Woman
Audience member is asked to give the anxiety a number of units and he said 5. So Dr. Paul said that he did 5 units of courage to stand up in front of the crowd and speak about it and the reward is 5 units of confidence. They ask him to step onto the stage and Paul explains how courage is a very physical thing. Go and DO!

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Dr. Paul talks about how all the spectrums he’s talked about are ways to know when you are too far on one end and we have to get as close to the middle of them. The spectra can be crossed with each other to create a cartesian coordinate system. Example of the Intellect and Emotion spectra is below. When we’re born, we are way out on the edge somewhere in the circle. We’re born into temperaments and then we add our own character onto it. He liked the words King, Lover, Warrior and Magician that he read in Jung’s book and used them to make his own definition and not related to the book

4 Archetypes – King, Warrior, Magician, Lover
King: Orderly and nurturing. Does not go to war but oversees it like a mother.
Warrior: The first to go to battle and can lack well-being so they will fill up on nurturing by things like overeating before the action.
Magician: The first to go on stage and is up for adventure. The ones who will quit their job to travel the world for an year. They are more flexible than the left-brained side.
Lover (or Fool): Not very action prone.

Your mission is to find out where you are and then practice the skills that will bring you closer to the centre. (Paras note: When I went into my Juggernaut phase I would push myself more into the right side of experience as opposed to the left side of education. Read about things, then make sure I put things into action).

He missed one spectrum which was decision making and they go between constructive and destructive. Constructive would be to work over good decisions over you life while destructive would be to pretend you’re on the opposite spectrum where you want to move towards. It’s called self-psychology where you put on a false self, example being an Entrepreneur. A narcissist will do this and keep putting energy into faking it which is not sustainable. When it fails, the persona will snap back even further in the opposite side. He equates this to being a child in an adults body or a vampire. They’re not win-win people. A little boy will boast about how they’ll be president while an adult will work towards that goal.

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Fun fact: Every culture has some kind of vampire myth and it is to tell people about pathologic narcissism. They’re the terrifying and pathetic people/creature.

He points out how opposites will attract and that a magician male would attract a Queen. In a way to balance each other and bring each other to the centre.

If you ever felt used in a relationship you might be with someone in your same quadrant where you got along because of your similarities and co-dependence but then it got boring or you just naturally drift apart. More info: Soul Contracts, Twin Flames & Soul Mates Redefined

It would be a different case if you’re closer to the centre and you both are in the same quadrant because you’re much closer to self integration.

The further the person is from their centre the easier you can spot them in these 4 quadrants.

Example of how Hillary Clinton is more warrior and Bill is more Magician so there wasn’t much well-being/nurturing so Bill ‘got some’ from Monica LeQUEENski. ;)

Observing Ego
Mature Boundary
(Notice Intellect is not part of the formula so you don’t need it for mature masculine power)

Ego Defences
– Your mind comes up with strategies for dealing with situations. There are immature ones like denial and projections. There are mature ones like future planning, altruism and humour.
– If you don’t have healthy boundaries you will project your bad characteristics/shadow side onto others. (Paras note: One thing I love doing is when something about someone bothers me, I ask myself where I see it in myself. To me this is one of the best ways to know where you need to improve.)
– It takes a lot of energy to put on a false self or be around someone who does it.
– Be at piece with having 2 conflicting opinions (meaning any kind of conflict) or with people liking and disliking you. That is a healthy boundary.
– David points out some great symbolism in the dollar bill where the bald eagle (a symbol from the sky) has an olive branch in one hand (symbol of peace) and 13 arrows in the other (war). The eagle faces the olive branch (symbolising that they’re all for peace but ready for war). So again, maintain peace but be comfortable with conflict if needed.

Recommended Reading, Listening, etc.
Mind OS by Dr. Paul Dobransky (Everything this DVD set covers in ‘severe detail’. You can contact me if you’re interested in getting the book)
Sending by Dr. Paul Dobransky
Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo
– Attraction Isn’t a Choice by David DeAngelo
– Advance Dating Program by David DeAngelo
– Mastery Program by David DeAngelo
– On Being a Man Who Naturally Attracts Women by David DeAngelo
– Meeting Women in Bars and Clubs by David DeAngelo
– Cocky Comedy by David DeAngelo
– Sexual Communication by David DeAngelo
– My Interviews with Dating Gurus by David DeAngelo
The Compleat Gentleman: The Modern Man’s Guide to Chivalry by Brad Miner

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