
Deep Inner Game with David DeAngelo and Dr. Paul Dobransky – DVD 4 (Summary)

Links to the full summary series
DVD 1 | DVD 2 | DVD 3 | DVD 4 | DVD 5 | DVD 6 | DVD 7

– It’s the only way out.
– Quotes the man in the arena (see below).
– Doing the right thing is all you need which is a decision discussed in the previous DVDs. Do the right thing no matter how you feel.
Viktor Frankl made a decision in his head to overcome.
– Just before doing courage you will be the most alone you’ve ever been.
– Disclaimer: Don’t do courage in life or death things. He means don’t go to war when you’ve not been to boot camp and been training in the art of not dying.
– When you turn courage into confidence, you are fathering yourself.
– The important thing to remember is not to ‘have courage’ but to ‘do courage’ because the courage is already inside you. You just need to make the decision.

Chats with the audience on what they took on board with the information and one guy said he takes only the negative others say to reinforce the negative he’s already holding on to and make it bigger. Dr. Paul tells him to go out there and start making new experiences to make the positives bigger.

David’s Courage Exercise
Think of something you’ve never told someone else. You’re going to find someone to say that to.

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David talks about all the books and programs listed at the end of this post. (Paras note: I used to get these books and programs and go on the bus and just do the deep work day in day out).

Your Story
– Time to find out about yourself. Take a picture of yourself as a child and look at what the eyes are telling you.
– The younger you are the emptier you are from others filled up stories. That means you are more of your own story in that moment.
– Paul talks about how he put one word to that look he had as a kid during his first Christmas and it was ‘curiosity’. He wanted to be an Egyptologist, digging the past and finding gold, but his dad shut him down saying there is no money in it so he dropped it. But he became a psychologist and he realised he’s still digging up peoples past and finding gold. He found the common thread.
– What is your common thread?

The 4 Parts of Psychology that Lead to Durable Fulfilment (What we all want)
1 – Personal Boundary: Which encompasses the 3 things below and leads to DURABILITY
2 – Emotional Energy: Mastering this with wellbeing and courage will lead to HAPPINESS
3 – Intellect: With the currency of time and being efficient with ideas will lead to SUCCESS
4 – Decision Making: Using conscience (your inside win-win) and intuition (outside win-win) will give you the currency of wisdom which will reward you with FREEDOM.
In summary: Happiness + Success + Freedom = Fulfilment. (2+3+4) and add 1 = Durable Fulfilment.

Solving Problems
– First ask yourself do you control it or not. If you can’t then drop it. It’s not a problem, it’s a fact of life.
– Separate the emotion and the data and name the emotion. Find out what it is. Look at the spectrum of negativity in previous episodes to see where it falls.
– The data part is a failure and a failure is a goal that you didn’t get to… YET.
– This may make you feel trapped and all you have to do again is make a decision. Move location or company change, etc. In short, choose better.
– If you have a vague problem that you can put your finger on, you probably have some boundary work to do. Can’t figure it out, can’t say or hear no, etc.

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They do work in real-time to show how to use this info to fix things.

Additional information
Internal vs. external locus of control: Don’t let it be external because then you need people outside your boundary to make things good for you, for your life to be happy, etc.
– See who you are attracting and who you would like to attract and then hang out with people who you’d like to attract to see where you need to fix your game.

Recommended Reading/Listening (Some are my in-depth summaries some #ads)
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – (Summary here)
How to be a No Limit Person – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Your Erroneous Zones – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Pull Your Own Strings – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
The Psychology of Achievement – Bryan Tracy (Paras note: I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS ONE and love it so much that I made my own summary here)
Psycho-Cybernetics Lessons Video with Summary by Dr. Maxwell Maltz
Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming by Richard Bandler , John Grinder
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers
My Voice Will Go With You by Milton Erickson
Provocative Therapy by Frank Farrelly and Jeff Brandsma
MIND-LINES – Lines For Changing Minds by L. Michael Hall & Bobby G. Bodenhamer
The Two Million-Year-Old Self by Anthony Stevens
Type Talk: The 16 Personality Types That Determine How We Live, Love, and Work by Otto Kroeger, Janet M. Thuesen
The Art of SpeedReading People by Barbara Barron, Paul D. Tieger
Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self-Deception by Daniel Goleman
Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature by Connie Zweig, Jeremiah Abrams
Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton
The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins
Seven Masters, One Path by John Selby
The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People by David Niven

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