Humans have been modifying plants and animals for tens of thousands of years.
We have only recently discovered how to do this a little faster.
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1. Selective Breeding:
• Breeding organisms with desired traits to encourage the inheritance of those traits.
↳ Modifies the genetic makeup of plants and animals by choosing individuals with specific characteristics for reproduction.
2. Mutagenesis:
• Induces random genetic mutations using radiation or chemicals.
↳ Modifies the genetic code by creating variations that may lead to desirable traits.
3. Transgenics:
• Involves inserting genes from one organism to another organism from a different species.
↳ Modifies genetic code by adding desirable genes from different species.
4. Genetic Engineering:
• Precisely modifies an organism’s DNA by adding, deleting, or altering specific genes.
↳ Modifies the genetic structure directly using tools like CRISPR-Cas9.
All of these methods require human intervention and expertise to achieve the desired changes in genetics.