Macedonian Traditional Song. Composed, arranged and performed By Aleksandar Sarievski from Galicnik, Macedonia. (Paras note: Not only is this such a beautiful song to listen to, I love the last line and the last bit of the last line is like the reveal to the melancholy of the song.
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Zajdi, zajdi jasno sonce, zajdi pomrači se,
Go down, go down, bright sun, Go down and darken,
I ti jasna le mesečino, begaj udavi se.
And you, bright moonlight, Run away and drown.
Crnej goro, crnje sestro, dvata da crnejme,
Turn black, forest, turn black, sister, Let’s both turn black,
Ti za tvojte lisja le goro, jas za mojta mladost.
You for your leaves, oh forest, And me for my youth.
Tvojte lisja goro sestro, pak ḱe ti se vratat,
Your leaves, forest, oh sister, Will return to you again,
A mojata mladost le goro, nema da se vrati.
But my youth, oh forest, Will never return.
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