
Diwali Cleaning and Putting Up Lights 2023

Every year we’ll go through the same routine before our big Diwali dinner. This includes cleaning every room top to bottom, getting rid of what we don’t use and I either post them on the local Buy Nothing or Gift of Giving groups. Any clothes I haven’t worn will either be chucked out or I have a few weeks more to try and wear them. If I don’t wear them in those few weeks they go for donation too. We empty the whole garage and do the same with unused or old items. Then it goes to cleaning the windows in and out and putting up the lights. This year my little one was eager to help and climbed up the big ladder with him. Proud parents moment :)

Here are a few vids and some products I used to make life easier. Lots of it is done in time lapses.

Universal Beverage Bottle Pressure Pump Sprayer with Adjustable Nozzle – Review and Demo

Get your Pump Sprayer for Amazon #Ads

Cleaning Outdoor Windows for Diwali – Timelapse 2023

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Cleaning Indoor Windows for Diwali – Timelapse 2023 Cleaning the Back & Decking for Diwali – Timelapse Cleaning Brushes and Drill Attachments

Get your Attachments for Amazon #Ads

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Cleaning with the Brush Drill Bit – Timelapse 2023 Putting up Diwali Lights ๐Ÿช” 2023 and Final Look Satisfying Sofa Upholstery Vacuum Cleaning – Timelapse 2017 Diwali Spring Cleaning Time Lapse

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