(Full video below the summary)
– Essential oils are multifaceted. It works on emotional, psycho-spiritual and physiological levels. It can work on lungs and even liver. To varying degrees they’re antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Happy Gum Drops will take care of cavities.
– There is a dentinal lymph system and that is how cavities are formed. Not the acids of sugars. It’s more to do with hormones. So it comes from the digestive system, the blood comes to the tooth area. Like a tree the roots of the teeth draw up the nutrients. This in turn pushes the fluid onto the surface of the teeth. The teeth sweat. The sweat interacts with the saliva to heal and repair cavities, etc.
– Stress, talking with the phone next to your jaw, etc. will stagnate the lymph system and it reverses so it sucks in bacteria and viruses instead. Also take care of your blood sugar levels.
– This sweat is our internal toothbrush. What did we do before brushes. It also prevents biofilms and buildup. The mouth is alive and connected to the rest of the body. Gum, enamel etc. can heal with rebalancing the microbiome.
– Whitening the teeth: The surface veneer is the wrong way to go. If the pulp chamber in the teeth is healthy it will reflect out. Lacking nutrients in your body will show in your teeth. Whiteness comes from inside. Some discoloration is from pigment rich food like wine, spirulina, etc. You can salt blast your teeth to help that and that can be used with something mildly abrasive.
– Remember these toothpaste adds have ‘may be harmful if swallowed’. They tell you to use a small amount while the advert shows you a long line. Ditch everything and start with a simple baking soda and sea salt combo. Stop, seal and seed.
– Chemicals give you bleeding/leaky gums and that goes in your system. Alcohol mouthwashes result in 36,000 cases of cancer. It’s messing with the microbiome and endocrine system. Antibiotics can bust through the microfilm on the teeth anyway.
– Natural solutions: We’ve been using these for centuries before paste. Tea tree, frankincense, myrrh, neem, cardamom, cinnamon, clove. These stop the pathogens from communicating and growing. They can bust through the biofilms and still be ok with the natural bacteria.
– Bad breath/Halitosis: Just the rebalancing will eradicate bad breath. Real mint with anti-inflammatory/antibacterial qualities dealing with the gases and VOCs. It does more than the superficial mint.
– Tongue: You can even just use a spoon as scraping will clear the junk out. She has 8 Steps in her book – LINK.

Step 1: The Salt Rinse Ozonated
Make a saltwater solution to keep in your bathroom (16oz of spring water to 1oz of salt in a mason jar). Add a drop of Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, or Happy Gum Drops. To use the saltwater rinse, pour yourself a shot glass of the mixture, swish, swish, swish, and spit.
Step 2: Scraping the Tongue
Scrape the tongue 2-3 times. Option: add a drop of Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, or Happy Gum Drops to the scraper.
Step 3: Brushing the Gums
Brush the gums, paying special attention to brushing gums towards the teeth and using special care over the gum line. Use a soft, dry brush and apply a drop of Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, or Happy Gum Drops, Ozonated Happy Gum Gel, or Neem Enamelizer Liquid Polish to the brush.
Step 4: Polishing the Teeth
Polish the teeth with Happy Gums Clay Toothpaste, Frankincense Fresh Toothpaste, Neem Enamelizer Toothpaste or applying the paste to a dry, round-headed, electric toothbrush. Or, use a drop of Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, or Happy Gum Drops and use with our Tooth Truth Powder Polish, or baking soda.
Step 5: Checking the Gum Lines
Clean the gum lines of any remaining plaque by using a rubber-tipped gum tool or sulca brush with a drop of Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, Happy Gum Drops or Ozonated Happy Gum Gel.
Step 6: Flossing
Floss! Even better, floss two times! Apply a drop of Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, Happy Gum Drops or Ozonated Happy Gum Gel along the floss (Frankincense Infused Silk Floss).
Step 7: Final Rinse
Use the saltwater mouthwash from Step One. Vigorously swish, and then spit.
Step 8: Extra Care
Use the Vita-pik or an oral irrigator to rinse the gum pockets with salt water and Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, or Happy Gum Drops. Massage a drop of Tooth Serum or Ozonated Happy Gum Gel into gum line and any sensitive areas. We often fear the unknown, so get to know your mouth! Get a dental mirror with a light or an intra-oral camera and get yourself acquainted with those back molars. And, remember to get clean in between!
For more information read the book, Holistic Dental Care: The Complete Guide, or visit LivingLibations.com.
Amazon links to products mentioned
– Biofilm: In the mouth it’s a colony of bacteria that can’t be penetrated and you want to bust through them as even the teeth need to breathe. Glycerine is not good.
– Flossing: If you floss regularly you will add 7 years to your life because you’re not swallowing the plaque. When you use the floss you could also slide it along one of the balancing mixtures before using so you’re sending the good stuff where it needs to go.
– Fillings: Mercury fillings are toxic. There is copper and nickels and even the silver ones may not be pure silver. The dentist has this whole hazmat procedure for it and you want to keep it in your mouth? It releasing mercury vapours into the body 24/7 and increasing by 1500% when chewing or drinking hot liquids. If you throw 2 mercury fillings in a 26 acre lake, the lake will be deemed unswimmable by the EPA but you want to put it just inches from your brain. (Paras note: Get the fillings out of here!!!). Many countries have also banned it. You can reverse cavities… if you get her book :). If you really want fillings look for the cleanest (porcelain has nickel in it). Ceramics and good, BPA free is still plastic, stem cell research is advancing so there is hope for the future.
– Back in the day, different cultures used different things like chewing on sticks. The guy mentions his wife being from Kenya and that they use sugarcane which is mineral rich. I’m from Kenya and they use other twigs too (In Gujarati we call it dattan/datun).
– Brushing: Always use a soft bristle. You don’t need to torture your gums. Clean your toothbrush in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, dip it in overnight and rinse it off in the morning. Every family member need to keep their brushes apart. Your brush should look the same after 6 months. You don’t want to go side to side you want to go from the gum away. You want your gums to look like a turtleneck around your teeth. You can apply baking soda and some of her products to get the gums to come back around the teeth. She recommends using 2 toothbrushes – 1 is a ionic brush that uses light and to stimulate and massage. 2 – The next brush use a small round one and use it just to buff the teeth.
– Diet: A lot of it is connected to eating the right things and it can also help mouth breathing. You can use mouth tape. Use her dental serums from her book.
– Probiotics: She also suggests getting proboitic capsules which are for your stomach but you can open the capsule and swish them in your mouth or use the oil pulling technique with that and things like sauerkraut/kimchi.