(Full video below summary)
Just by compressing your eating window, you will reduce your need for medications and your health issues will drop.
2 Metabolisims:
Burning energy when you eat – Not discussed a lot.
Burning energy when you don’t eat – Releases ketones and that fixes your body. It’s also a fuel source for your body and brain that it needs. It gets 8 hours to get into this state. The longer you go in this fasted state the more you see growth hormone, testosterone and the good chemicals increase in your body. Inflammation also starts to go down. Your body starts cleaning up the bad cells from the body which is called Autophagy (more info here).
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After research, it was just a campaign from Cornflakes.
- 6-7 meals a day to speed up your metabolism. There is no evidence for this.
- Kids are raised to eat according to times instead of listening to the body. Your body knows how to switch to survival mode to go hunt for it. We have to have the feast/famine cycle.
Fasting Facts
- Exercising in a fasted state will eliminate glucose. Your muscles are releasing stored sugar which is great for losing weight.
- mTOR – Triggers muscle growth. 30 grams of protein to get the muscles to grow stronger. So after working out on a fasted state the protein will help a lot.
- Sugar cravings stop after 3-4 days of abstinence.
- Black coffee most likely it’s ok to have but it shouldn’t spike your blood sugar. Best to test your blood your sugar and it should be equal before and after.
- When you’re fasting you even undo the damage from sugar consumption. So your body is getting rid of sugar during fasting it may appear that your muscle is getting smaller. Just replace it with high protein.
- Sleep: Fasting brings down inflamation. You’ll wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning because of a cortisol spike.
- To get started, first compress your eating window. Customise it to your lifestyle. You can do one meal a day once a week or push yourself as much as you can once a week if possible. Black coffee with MCT oil can switch you over to the ketogenic state fast. A fasted snack aka a fat bomb can help keep you going which nothing but fat like avocado. Look up keto cups (MCT oil, cacao butter and pure chocolate).
- Find your own path and customise it to your needs and push it from there.
6 Types of Fasting
- Intermittent Fast: 13-15 hours of fasting will trigger ketone release. In summer you can eat from 11 to 7 (8 hour window). Eating in the dark not recommended as the body will most likely store it as fat.
- Autophagy Fast: 17 hours no food for cells to clean themselves. Viruses can’t replicate in this state, nothing in the cell to take over. Great for preventing colds. Boosts sex because it helps the cells around the testes and ovaries. She talks about Countdown – more info here.
- Gut Reset Fast: 24 hours without food and your intestinal stem cells reboot themselves. They then go all over the body. Doing it once a week will help.
- Belly Burning Fat Fast: 36 hours without food followed by 12 hours of eating over a 30 day period. It unsticks fat especially from the belly.
- Dopamine Reset Fast: 48 hours without food. When you’re not happy you eat to be happy. This resets that because they didn’t have joy after a certain amount of eating.
- Immune Reset Fast: After 3 days of fasting, white blood cells reboot themselves and a scientist did an experiment with cancer patients to fast before chemotherapy. You also surge with stem cells going to all parts of the body to repair it.
Other Info:
- What you put on your skin really matters. Even touching BPA plastics.
- You all have a set point e.g. 1500 food in, 500 workout, 1000 remaining. So on the days you’re not working out you have 500 extra calories if you eat the same. (Paras note: Feeling blessed because I don’t feel hungry if I don’t workout). Your set point changes per day if you do this. This is why calorie restriction diet doesn’t work long term.
- 80% of all auto-immune issues occur in women. Stress makes you insulin resistant, this affects your sex hormone. Women are not meant to handle the stress loads as well as men because of all these hormonal changes. Cortisol goes up, progesterone doesn’t appear, it just messes women up. A week before their period, they need to get on track and slow things down.
- Men have a 24 hour cycle and every 15 minutes men get testosterone. If you don’t like what your husband says ask him in 15 minutes.
- Menstrual cycle: Get to know the cycle. It’s usually 28 days.
– Day 1 – 10 estrogen is building. Day one is the first day of bleeding. Let her do her thing. Day 3 she may get back into being more out going and wanting to connect with you.
– Day 12 – 13 is when ovulation happens (or 10 and 15 when even libido is the highest). Estrogen is at it’s peak. If you want to resolve conflict with your woman, do it between day 2 to day 12 of the cycle. Never do it on Day 18-19.
– Day 17 – 18 progesterone is coming in. Be extra nice to her and take amazing care of her. - Menopause: 45-55 Year old women are the highest cases of suicide. After 40 the sex hormone starts to go down, she may be different from day to day. Progesterone also goes down making them less resilient to stress. Love them more. Once the menstrual cycle disappears they get forgetful. 40 to 55 is when their brain recalibrates. (More into here). After a whole year without a period, the brain gets back on track and they can handle stress again, etc. They’re trying to understand themselves so be patient with them! Get the book – Menopause Reset where she explains how to do a proper reset because just taking hormones is not working.
- 5 Lifestyle Changes for Menopause Reset
– Fasting – She release another book after called Fast Like a Girl
– Cycle Food – Front half of the cycle go keto, low carbs. Back half raise your glucose and opposite of keto.
– Microbiome – Eat more leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, chocolate.
– Toxic Love?
– Stop Rushing. Schedule more downtime. No go go go all the time. More mindfulness, meditation, saying no. (How to say no) - Steam and sauna is great for detox because it simulates a fever.
- You need to have a bowel movement everyday.
- If your underarm is a puff instead of a pit then the toxins are getting stored or not moving. Deo clogs it up. The hair get rids of them. Loofah that area helps.
- New drugs to lose weight but it’s putting your body at risk and you have to rely on them forever to stay that way.
- Keep doing resistance training to keep muscle no matter how old you are. As soon as you lose muscle you become insulin resistant and you gain the wrong weight.
- Cardio is not recommended. Long-term it’s not a good plan especially for women while for men it’s going to break down muscle and it won’t help you lose weight. Best to lift weights while fasted and then break the fast with protein.
Working Styles of Men and Women
- Men: Monday to Friday work, Saturday Sunday off is great for men. Work in day light and rest more in winter. Meat, primal, paleo is good for men. Zinc is the most important supplement. Vitamin D for both and sardines is best or sunlight at the highpoint like noon.
- Women: Work until Day 19-20 to take the week off. Do half the load if you can’t cut everything out. Less need for meat, more fruit, more squashes, more potatoes. Magnesium is the most important supplement. Vitamin D for both and sardines is best or sunlight at the highpoint like noon.
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