
Never Eat Until You’re Full – Health Advice from Various Cultures and People

näty-ashnatas ’tu yogo ’sti na caikäntam anashnataù na cäti-svapna-shélasya jägrato naiva cärjuna
There is no possibility of one’s becoming a yogé, O Arjuna, if one eats too much or eats too little, sleeps too much or does not sleep enough.
Bhagvad Gita – 6.16

You can even eat junk food as long as you are not overheating and you will still be healthy. Your blood markers will improve but if you overeat the extra fat releases all kinds of other bad things for your body. From – How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off with Layne Norton

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Patanjali Yoga Sutras
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Always Eat Until you are NEARLY Full for Health – Advice from Various Cultures and People
Before I begin remember the size of your stomach is about the size of your heaped palm. See link below on how much it can be stretched to accommodated for all the extra food we stuff it with.

The first teaching is Japanese Confucian which goes Hara hachi bun me (腹八分目)  which translates to Eat until you are eight parts (out of ten) full”,[2] or “belly 80 percent full”. There is also a Japanese proverb that goes “eight parts of a full stomach sustain the man; the other two sustain the doctor”

A Chinese Confucian belief dating back to the 5th Century goes “Chīfàn qī fēn bǎo, sān fēn jī” (吃饭七分饱,三分饥, “only eat until you are 70 percent full.”

In India, Ayurvedic principles going back to the 4th century state that “you should fill one third of the stomach with liquid, another third with food, and leave the rest empty. Similar to the Mitahara concept that appears in Hatha Yoga Pradipika and other ancient Sanskrit texts. The word broken down means Mita (मित, moderate) and Ahar (आहार, taking food, diet),which together mean moderate diet. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says your stomach is the size of your heaped open palm (see video below on how much you can stretch the stomach to fill all the food we overeat). In his commentary of Patanjali Yoga Sutras he said the stomach fire is one of the 5 fires or agnis that we have. And like a fire if you feed the fire too much it becomes smokey and spoils the environment and it’s multi beneficial just to push your comfort zone or tapas. I personally find it very strange that I can see everyone around me overeating and they look at me like I’m the one who is strange. To be honest, I’d rather have the shape of my body. I’ll also share a link on the benefits of fasting/autophagy and how the body will start eating it’s own bad cells first when it goes in starvation mode.

A book dated around in it’s 1300s called Zazen Yojinki (Precautions to Observe in Zazen), advises practitioners to eat about two-thirds of their capacity.

Listen to this talk by the man who has cheated death a number of times – Stephen Hawking

At the moment, humanity faces a major challenge and millions of lives are in danger. As a cosmologist, I see the world as a whole and I am here to address one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century.

Today too many people die from complications related to overweight and obesity. We eat too much and move too little.

Fortunately the solution is simple – More physical activity and change in diet.

It’s not rocket science.

And for what it’s worth, how being sedentary has become a health problem, is beyond my understanding.

Sadhguru talks about how he has seen people heal just by eating less and having a gap of 8 hours between meals. He say’s a minimum of 50% of your health problems will vanish in 6 weeks of practicing this. See below for link.

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The work on autophagy had been awarded the Nobel Prize. (More info on Autophagy here)
I have seen hundreds and thousands of people who just become healthy and well simply because they’re not fueling up all the time.
Our labs are very physically active there are no automobiles inside.
Everybody either walks or cycles.
In the evening they are extremely hungry but we learn to live with that because hunger empty stomach and hunger starving are two different things.
Hunger means your energy levels start dropping but empty stomach is a good thing in the yogic sciences.
Today modern science also is coming in line with this but what we know by our experience.
Your body and your brain works at its best only when your stomach is empty so we always make sure we eat in such a way how much ever we eat our stomach must be empty for 2-3 hours a time.
You are able to keep this up simply because you don’t over eat.
It’s very very important everybody eats two meals
Any correction and purification that needs to happen in the body your stomach needs to be empty it’s very very important otherwise the purification on the cellular level will not happen you pile up things and then you have all kinds of problems the first thing is inertia in the body.
There are many levels of inertia if you don’t notice all that the amount of sleep that you have is inertia – American doctors say minimum 7-8 hours you must sleep. So 1/3 of your life is sleep. Another 2-4 hours in bath, toilet, eating. So literally 50 percent of your life is just maintained. Suppose you have a vehicle. Service one day a month is all right, 15 days a month is nuisance isn’t it? Most people have made their system into your ‘new sense’.
Their own body is a big impediment in their life to do anything.
People are eating much more than what they should eat simply because they have been told you must eat more otherwise you will become weak.
We’re working towards fuel-efficient car to consume less fuel isn’t it?
When you consume more fuel it will want you to eat, compulsiveness will come about.
United States people come to our programs our programs will run 10-12 hours, but they will come with some biscuit and something else they say I have sugar intolerance I have to I have to eat.
I tell them you’ll just be here you’re not going to die I’ll ensure. Third day they gave up all that and 12 hours without food they sat there they perfectly fine
Health is not something you can do from outside, health is something you have to do from within. From outside when something goes wrong you can seek some help but all the time something is wrong with you this means what you’re a faulty machine.
Every cell in your body is designed to create health, so minimum eight hours gap is what is recommended in yoga between one meal and the next meal there must be an eight hour space.
If you do this half your health problems (minimum 50%) will go in six weeks time.
If you have a little yogic practice something meditative within you then you will see 90% of your problem will go to 10%
Health care systems especially where there is heavy insurance policies people are eating and drinking all kinds of rubbish go to the doctor and say fix me this is not how it works.

Other quotes:

Overeating is a major cause of premature ageing. Food which is in access of the body’s requirements is not broken down properly and acts like a poison in the body. In addition, overeating wastes up to 60% of your body’s vital energy on digestion, resulting in chronic fatigue and reduced mental clarity. Overeating is also a major cause of obesity and heart disease. The extra food is actually causing malnutrition, since there is reduced assimilation of all the food you eat. – Reverse ageing

When the doctors undertook to save Rockefeller’s life, they gave him three rules which he observed, to the letter, for the rest of his life. One of the rules was – Watch your diet. Always stop eating while you are still a little hungry.

The worldly man eats to satisfy his greed, and the yogi eats to keep his body well. – Divine romance

“The body should be treated rigorously, that it may not be disobedient to the mind.” Seneca

I remember the first time I became conscious of eating less was when Osama was the big news and he was talking about how he stays sharp and doesn’t need much sleep by only eating once a day or very little – I know, not the best example which is why I left this example for last and I wont say any more.

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