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Hi everyone,
Thank you for attending the online tour on Tuesday
We are always wanting to improve our tours experience. We would appreciate it if you could complete this online feedback survey (click the link below)
We had lots of great questions during the tour! I have outlined them below with the answers:
How is leachate extracted from landfill sites?
Leachate management:
- Modern day landfills are lined.
- Multiple layers of lining collect and guide leachate from the landfill base towards a network of pipes.
- Network of pipes direct leachate towards engineered and tightly sealed leachate evaporation ponds.
- Our naturally dry climate evaporates a significant the leachate naturally overtime.
Landfills such as Tamala Park have areas for evaporation but also do some spraying on top of existing finished landfill areas again for immediate evaporation.
I did a tour of the EMRC landfill and transfer station and can highly recommend. You get to see their leachate ponds and sprinkler system for evaporating it. My understanding is that it is a technical collection system underground and then quite a simple evaporation system above ground. You can register your expression of interest to attend future EMRC tours here.
Where can toothpaste tubes be recycled?
They can be recycled through the Terracycle program at a range of different drop off points around Perth.
For more information:
Where can unwanted and old textiles be recycled?
H&M stores in Perth –
Eastern states program where you send a box of textiles via post – they will recycle textiles including shoes!
We also spoke about the waste export bans that have commenced in Australia.
See the export ban timeline for Australia below.
I’ve attached the Council of Australian Governments export ban strategy report if you would like to read further into it.
Here are some links to the processing projects that will be happening in W.A.
WA Government: Plastics and tyres processing infrastructure fund
Waste Sorted grant recipients and projects:
City of Canning Information:
– Did you know that the City of Canning host a reuse market at the Canning Transfer station every 3rd Saturday of the month? The next one will be held on the 21st of May (8:00am to 12:00pm)
For more information:
– City of Canning have several different places where you can drop off items that don’t belong in bins including batteries, mobile phones, light globes and ink cartridges.
For more information:
-For more information on where to take Household Hazardous Waste:,-recycling-and-waste/waste-station
– Interested in setting up a compost bin or worm farm at home? The City of Canning host a range of workshops and subsidies for these items.
For more information:
Recycle Right website and social media sites:
Interested in joining our volunteer program and becoming a Recycle Right Ranger? Here is a link for more information:
Please let me know if you have any further questions