
Chakra Movements – Their Connection to Emotions, Elements & Root Sound

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There is only one energy that manifests in different forms and in different chakras. Sexual, love, intellectual, awareness anger energies are all related. The upward and downward movement of these energies are the emotions in life.

Kunda means ‘pot’ in Sanskrit. The body is like a pot, and the energy in the body is called the kundalini shakti (kundalini energy).

When this energy is awakened and rises, life becomes more and more of a celebration. Small things don’t bother us as much.

Life energy flows through a circuit of chakras and channels. Chakra (or Shaakraa in the western world) is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or circular. A chakra is simply an energy center or reservoir. The human body has 102 other chakras, but the seven energy centers are of primary importance. Each chakra relates to a different element and emotion. All the centres are connected through channels. Channels are roads, chakras are intersections and the life-force is the cars.

When the energy moves upward through the different chakras, from the base of the spine to the crown chakra at the top of the head, this is a positive, upward movement. Positive feelings and emotions arise when the movement is upwards and the opposite when it moves down. The flow is happening all the time and is affected by our lifestyle and environment.

Special thanks to Anjana for helping me find the definitions as the original picture I took was not very clear.

The 7 Chakras (Location, Emotions, Element and Root Sounds)

  1. Root Chakra – Muladhara Chakra
    Location: Base of the spine
    State: Up – Interest/Enthusiasm. Down – Inertia.
    Element: Earth
    Sound: Om
    Dormant life-force energy flows freely upward through the seven chakras; it leads to an expanded state of consciousness. At the root chakra, the expanded consciousness is felt as enthusiasm. Enthusiasm supports and enlivens our lives and is the basis of all life. If there is no enthusiasm, life will become meaningless, boring, and stagnant. When the energy is moving downward from the crown chakra and hits the root chakra, we feel inertia.
  2. Sacral chakra – Swadhisthana chakra
    Location: Behind the genitals
    State: Up – Creativity. Down – Lust.
    Element: The sacral chakra is connected with the water element. The maximum amount of water resides around the sacral chakra in the bladder region.
    Sound: Sham/Aum
    Procreation, creative energy, and sex drive. When the energy is flowing upwards you experience more creativity. Kindled through art, writing, dancing, or some other form of creative expression. When energy flows downwards this is reversed. You don’t feel like doing much of anything. This can flip into lust and an obsession with sex.
  3. Solar plexus chakra – Manipura chakra
    Location: Navel region
    State: Up – Generosity/Joy. Down – Greed/Jealousy.
    Element: The solar plexus chakra is connected with the fire element. The digestive fire present in the belly region here helps with digestion.
    Sound: Ham
    The four flavours of consciousness that manifest in the solar plexus chakra. Here the energy is represented as a four-petaled flower symbolically representing these four emotions. When people feel jealous they feel some sensation in the stomach region. Generosity and joy are symbolized as having a big belly.
  4. Heart chakra – Anahata chakra
    Location: Heart or chest region
    State: Up – Love. Down – Fear/Hate.
    Element: The heart chakra is connected with the air element. The greatest proportion or presence of air in the body is in the lungs around the anahata chakra.
    Sound: Yam
    The energy is represented as a three-petaled flower symbolically representing these three emotions. When people feel hatred, fear, or love the sensation is felt in the heart region. When someone’s heart is broken it means that love has become sour and turned into hatred.
    When there is love, there is no fear. When there is fear, there is no love. When energy is flowing upwards through the heart chakra, we experience love, and when it’s flowing downwards we experience more fear or hatred.
  5. Throat chakra – Vishuddhi chakra
    Location: Throat region
    State: Up – Gratitude. Down – Sadness.
    Element: The throat chakra is connected with the Space or Ether element.
    Sound: Ram
    When you are grieving your throat chokes. And when you feel very grateful, your throat also chokes! Both experiences can make it difficult to speak. In the throat chakra, the energy is represented as a two-petaled flower symbolically representing these two emotions.
  6. Third eye chakra – Ajna or Ajneya chakra
    Location: Between the eyebrows
    State: Up – Awareness. Down – Anger
    Sound: Vam
    Element: The third eye chakra is connected with light.
    Knowledge and awareness are found here in the third eye chakra. The same point is also the seat of anger and is also said to be the region of the mystical Third Eye. Often when we get angry we get migraines or will say that a situation (or person!) is a headache.
  7. Crown chakra – Sahasrara chakra (a poetic reference to a 1000 petal lotus).
    Location: Top of the head, the highest chakra
    State: Bliss/Joy
    Sound: Lam
    Element: The crown chakra is connected with universal energy
    When activated, you experience greater joy in life. The crown chakra is represented by a lotus flower with 1,000 petals (sahasrara is a poetic reference to a thousand petal lotus). When energy moves to the top of the head one experiences joy. You feel totally connected and one with everything.

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