
Composting Workshop by Lessen with Peg and City of Kwinana at Ken Jackman Hall, Darius Wells Library and Resource Centre 2nd April 2022

Link to event

First of all what a lovely surprise to see Peg. Because of her and her Earth Carers initiative I changed the direction of my blog and started a YouTube channel. This post will have notes more specific to my needs so if you want to know more I highly recommend – Down to Earth – An Earth Works Learners Guide (Waste, Recycling, Compost, Worm Farms, No-dig Gardens).


You can get free mulch from Millar Road Landfill and Recycling Facility.

Poop for Plants WA is another good initiative where you can get different types of poo for free or donate your pets poops.

Cat poo can go into the compost but make sure you use the right kitty litter which is clay. Look for Clumping Kitty Litter, which can also be used on it’s own with sandy soil. There was some debate on bentonite clay purity but both are great.

Just a handful of rock dust one time in compost is a great ingredient.

Glossy cardboard and magazines can go in the compost. May take longer but Peg’s motto is ‘if it was once alive, it can go in’. Another one of her mottos really hit home after I asked about glossy paper and that is ‘the solution to pollution is dilution’.

Weeds and dried weed seeds in the compost will need to cook around 65-70 degrees C. Any more than 70 and you’ll start killing the good microbes in the compost.

Paras note: Now somewhere in my YouTube archives I’ve got underwear and shirts composting with my plants until wifey gets rid of them. In the pictures you can see how the organic parts of clothing get composted and then you can remove the remaining.

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