
Top 15 ADHD Behaviours You May Not Know You Do

1. Listening to the same song a million times. Paras note: Or listening to some kind of constant rhythm to focus better.

2. Can’t do anything until your delivery arrives. So don’t plan your appointments in the afternoon. Paras note: Or not being able to finish anything else until you close one loop that you’re fixated on.

3. Oversharing with people you only just met. I’ve personally told people about my sensitive toes or the feeling I have that somethings up my nose so I ask them to see. Paras note: My wife still thinks I have bad story telling skills.

My mind is like a web browser. 19 taps are open, 3 are frozen and I have not idea where the music is coming from.

4. Starting new projects before finishing old ones. Best to sketch out a plan and stick to it.

5. Cracking your knuckles.

6. High caffeine consumption because it provides you with dopamine.

7. Difficulty staying or falling asleep. Thousand thoughts come up just then.

8. Worrying about the smallest things. The hyperfocus kicks in.

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9. Not being able to recall things you just learned. Short term memory sucks.

10. Being really happy one day and the opposite the next.

11. Taking everything personally. Sensitivity to rejection.

12. Love hate relationship with subtitles. Paras note: I switch them on whenever I can to take it in better but don’t like the reading part.

13. Needing lots of order in life. Routines are good.

14. Saving posts you never come back to. Endless watch later playlist anyone? Paras note: My wife can attest.

15. Reading but thinking of something else. How many times have your eyes moved over paragraphs and registered the words but not understood anything. Paras note: Which is why I listen to the audiobook while reading it.

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