
Having Sex Too Early & Promiscuity – Sadhguru

(Short videos below the summary)

– Having a friend of the opposite sex doesn’t necessarily mean you need to have a phyical relationship.
– These are attitudes picked up from certain societies where body is everything. So saying relationship will mean something else to them.
– So much emphasis should not be given to body. You have so many relationships that are profound without being physical.
– Friendships and relationships can be developed in various levels while the physical is limited.
– Two bodies rubbing is the outer most part of you and this is what is considered to be intimate.
– Sex is not bad but don’t make it a basis.
– Change the word friend, don’t use it for physical relationships. Right now if you say ‘she’s my friend’ the other will think what does it mean? What kind?
– While you’re studying, make your instruments (body, mind) to grow to the best possible level for yourself.
– Don’t be in a hurry to live, if you do you will not live well.
– Mango farmers don’t allow a new mango tree to flower for at least 3-4 years because they know if it flowers too early it will bear a little fruit while after 3-4 it will be so established and bear much more fruit.
– Be in a place in your life that you are high enough to take on life so it’s not a task later in life. Once you establish yourself you can live.
– Notice how immigrant families in the US have a big family support system while the Caucasians at a young age are already living an adult life, moving in with partners, etc. Just notice how graduates are Jewish, Indian, Chinese, etc. The others can’t cope with coming home and having to take care of the family while studying.
– This time of your life will not come back to you. This stage in your life is where you have the highest energy. If you bring focus and balance it will transform that energy into something fantastic. If you don’t, by the time you’re 40-45 your energy will be of a different quality. This energy at a young age doesn’t stay.
– It’s not like you won’t make it through life but you’ll have unnecessary struggles if you don’t focus and balance this energy.

Multiple partners
– Women these days don’t need to get married. They can take care of themselves. Not everyone needs to get married anyway, its not a good decision. Your choice should be 100% you and not external influences.
– These days there are other options. If you live in with someone it’s basically marriage without a certificate.
– But if you want a new partner every weekend, you are seriously damaging yourself. You mind has memory but your body has a much stronger sense of memory called runana bhanda. The body imbibes and retains it. Mentally you may get dementia but the physical body remembers what to do, how to function.
– So too many memories in to body will lead to a certain level of confusion and misery. You can clearly see the people who are loose with their life don’t know any real sense of joy. Observe it for yourself. They can’t laugh or cry totally.
– So marriage or not, go beyond these needs. The best way is to take some time and see what is your need and how strong is that need. Then make a decision, do this and don’t do that. But make that decision, don’t hang in the middle.
– Which is the best thing, which is the best thing. THERE IS NOT BEST THING. Whatever you choose will never be the best thing unless you make it. It will be a great thing. Best means other people, being the best in the world is comparing to other people. So do a great thing and do it 100% (Nischala thathvam). Unwavering.

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