
The Narcissism Epidemic – Red Table Talk with Dr. Ramani Durvasula

Full video below the summary. Ramani defines narcs as people with a lot of self-hate instead of people just into themselves. They don’t have empathy for other people, they’re grandiose, deeply entitled, arrogant. They can’t deal with frustration and when they get frustrated they become rageful. You cannot win an argument with them. So if … Read more

Fix the Way You Argue in a Relationship

Source: Your Brain Works Against You When You Argue With Your Significant Other. Here’s How to Fix That, According to an Expert Quick Tips:– Rethink blaming. Don’t see your partners mistake as a sign of selfishness. Consider all the possible explanations for the mistake.– Not brush off praise. Take a second to appreciate why your … Read more

The Science Of Self Confidence – Brian Tracy (Summary)

– The more you live in tune with your values the more self-confidence you will have. Doing the right thing and being true to yourself makes a difference. Think about your values, things you can never violate. Think about the company you keep, the things you would do if you were to be in tune … Read more

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