
Fantastic Motivation: A Devoted Mother’s Weight Loss & Transformation Story

Paras note: When I read Fi’s posts I saved it because it moved me. Not only because of the path Fi took but because I went through the feeling of rebirth while reading her post, the same feeling I had when I recreated myself. I’ve constantly recreated myself and some recreations meant saying goodbye to the old me forever. Just seeing the transformation, the commitment and dedication it took was so inspirational that I had to get permission from Fi to share the story. From now on I call her Fionix for obvious reasons. Ladies and gents… Fionix…

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So 1 year ago I decided to make a change and become the best version of myself I could be. Since my firstborn 19 years ago I devoted myself to being the best parent I could be and put all of my time and love into my 4 beautiful babies. I wouldn’t change the last 19 years for the world. Being a mum is the absolute best job in the world. I also worked hard not just as a mum but as many other things to be able to financially support my kids in their sports, hobbies and passions and take them on many trips. I’ve owned a successful business, managed several retail stores for big companies and studied hard to become a nurse for the dream job I am currently working in now. Being a mum and working full-time jobs, there is one thing I forgot to do and that is look after my physical health and love myself.

I didn’t realise that in order to be a fantastic mum and hard worker I needed my body to be fueled well and loved just like machinery and buildings and nature to thrive, function well and not break or die they need constant maintenance and love, one thing I have not given myself. Throughout the last 19 years I lived on fast food, processed junk, soda, caffeine, sugar, sometimes eat nothing for a day and other times just binge on all the wrong things, I barely slept! I became bigger and bigger. I yoyo dieted, I tried stupid expensive fads! I stopped wearing anything but black! I hated myself and who I had become, I avoided social situations if I could and I even got to the point where I started to convince myself I wasn’t that unhealthy and make excuses like hey there are way bigger people out there I’m not that bad.

But 1 year ago I was slapped in the face with reality. My health was at its worst …. the doctor added another blood pressure tablet to my already list of meds to keep me alive, my cholesterol and heart rate were really high! I struggled to walk up one flight of stairs at work and I was out of breath, I didn’t fit properly in regular chairs, I had a bad back and knees, I couldn’t play at the park with my kids and a beach or bush walk was just torture! I hated myself and life! I was only 40 and I thought if I don’t do something now I won’t even live another 10 years to watch my own kids grow up, see my grandkids and the life I was living was just miserable. My mind was made!

I kept my plan to a small circle of friends and family as in the past I had failed at my diets and fad ways so I didn’t want the negativity of ‘oh I’ve heard all this before and you won’t stick to it ‘ etc ! Even with the small amount of people that knew I was about to change my life I had plenty of negativity and ‘oh your fine the way you are’ etc…. But I didn’t let this stop me! Some new friends I’ve made this year don’t even know the transformation year I’ve had and possibly some old friends I haven’t seen in years too.

This time was different. This time I wasn’t going on a diet, this time I was about to create the best version of me and live the lifestyle I admired in others. I wasn’t going to rediscover the old me who yes was skinny but was still very unhealthy I was going to create the new me. I had goals, I was going to kick the soda for good (haven’t drunk my 2litres of daily coke in 1 year now), I was going to get off blood pressure and heart meds, I was going to be able to run and do all the fun sports I dreamed of, I was going to be the fun mum, not the embarrassing overweight mum, I was going to shop at any regular shop not just the plus size women’s stores which believe me are very limited and ugly and I was going to drastically reduce my fast food and processed food intake and reduce my crazy big portion sizes, I was going to have an awesome relationship with good nutritious food, I was going to stop eating my emotions. I never did this for looks or a bikini body but hey if I could just wear a standard bathing suit at the beach and not be a laughingstock I’d be happy.

So let’s see ….. 1 year on and I have achieved all this and more and I have created the new me that I set out to be ….. I have lost 50 kilos in this last year, I have dropped 7 dress sizes, 5 watch holes, 5 ring sizes, a whole shoe size! I have reduced my blood pressure and heart rate and stopped most meds, my cholesterol is perfect, I don’t eat barely any fast food. Don’t drink any more soda, eat very little processed food love nutritious food that I once hated, have so much fun with the kids rollerskating, scootering, climbing trees, running, swimming, paddle boarding, bushwalking etc! I fit in chairs, my knee pain is gone, I run upstairs, I shop in whatever the hell shops I love and buy the smallest size almost! I live a balanced healthy life that I used to only dream of. I still eat chocolate almost every day buy I also eat fruit and veggies and I occasionally have a glass of wine, I go out for meals with family and I love being there and don’t want to hide in the corner and be embarrassed of how I look and what I eat!

I am so so proud of what I’ve achieved and the new me I have become. I won’t lie… It wasn’t easy, I still have days where I struggle mentally and have to watch what I eat and force myself to exercise. I have days where I don’t think I’ve done enough and I’m still not good enough and I think my body isn’t perfect but I just remind myself of where I was and where I am now and the journey my body has been on especially carrying 4 beautiful babies and then I smile.

I have written this post because I’m proud of myself and for the people that are struggling and have no hope that there is HOPE and there is an amazing life to live and love and with a little bit of hard work and a whole lot of SELF LOVE you can become the best version of you that you DREAM! Please don’t think this isn’t possible for you. If you want any support on becoming a person you will love then feel free to message me …. hope my journey inspires some of you ❤
Instagram – @followfishappyhealthyjourney

Please share your questions in the comments below and I’ll ask Fi to answer them and add to the post.

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