
Real Author of Donald Trump’s Art of the Deal Speaks – Tony Schwartz

Before you pick this book up to read you need to read the article where the real ghost writer of the book comes out and tells all. Link here, summary of the article below.

Article summary:
– Tony Schwartz wrote the book. He didn’t want to but Trump promised him half the $500,000 advance and half the royalties. But after seeing comments about Mexican immigrants being called “rapists” and other behaviours, Tony became very anxious and wanted to set the record straight.

– If Trump can lie about writing the book on Day One of presidency … well…

– Tony felt he put lipstick on a pig and if he could rename the book it would be called The Sociopath.

– Trump as usual wanted his name big on anything and so with the book.

– Tony has already written a piece in the New York called ‘A Different Kind of Donald Trump Story’ portraying him as a thug who was not very successful in evicting rent-controlled tenants. His next plan was to house homeless in the building to harass the tenants. Trump loved the artice! Being obsessed with publicity he didn’t care what anyone wrote as long as he was on the cover.

– Tony found interviews with Donald frustrating as replies were either monosyllabic, would not answer questions or his attention span make him want to cut it short. Donald couldn’t even remember his own childhood! He would make it clear that he was bored. He’s thrown fits about how he can’t stand any more questions.

– Tony feels that Donald has managed with ignorance and superficial knowledge at stunning levels. He says things like “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them”. Tony was about to give up on the book when he decided that he would eavesdrop on Trump’s life. Following him around, listening in on calls, things like that.

– He would phone hop and play people. Flattery, bullying and all in a calculated way. He would talk about his success after the call. His customary sign off on calls was “You’re the greatest!”. Tony would call the people to get a bigger picture and find out that their accounts conflicted with Donald’s. “Lying is second nature to him,” Tony said. He has the ability to convince himself that what he’s saying is true or should be true. Lies like how much he paid for something, how much something cost or how his casinos were doing well when they were going bankrupt. He’s planted stories with journalists, often calling news outlets using pseudonyms.

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– When confronted about the lies he would grow belligerent and double down on repetition. Paras note: He would even lie about the lies he told about the lies he told. Like inception lies!

– Donald would get into self aggrandisement every now and then. Tony says he just wants more and more attention and there is no private Donald. What you see is what you get.

– Tony felt he had to create a character that people would like to read about. Someone with more boyish fun. Tony would tell his wife that Donald is a living black hole after watching Donald pile on huge pricy projects on like he was in a circus spinning plates. He felt drained and deadened while writing the book. The need for attention was so compulsive, which is why the Presidency was part of it. Paras note: So what will be next? Space? Star Lord?

– Tony ignored the cases in which there was no way to make Donald look good. Even though there was a lot of cronyism in the deals. Stories about having the right people in the right places to get tax breaks and all sorts. It had a lot to do with Donald’s father Fred and Fred’s political connections. Trump has screwed over his own partner while the partner was on a mountain somewhere in Nepal.

– Someone suggested the book be called “Advertisements for Myself”. Others called it a “nonfiction work of fiction”, a “glittering fable”, Paras note: The book is more of a ‘me and how awesome I am’ than any real kind of art.

– Even though his father played a major role in his success, Donald doesn’t give him that much credit or the fact that he inherited a lot and calls the other rich people members of ‘the Lucky Sperm Club’. He gives credit only to his energy and enthusiasm.

– After the release of the book is when he had his fall. He would tell media his carrying costs were three million dollars but they were really twenty mill. Relationship ended, very costly shopping spree… things were falling apart. 6 instances of bankruptcy. But the book was out and he believed in it. He would show America the way.

– Enter The Apprentice. It was myth making on steroids. He’s become a master who needs an apprentice. He didn’t bother with the book publishers, took all the credit for the book and promoted it hard! He threw an extravagant book party, black tie, ‘sham’pagne, giant cake, women with red sparklers, 900 second rate celebs, the works. Don King greeted the crowed and then a comedian introduced them as King and Queen. Only give Tony a little publicity by said that he at-least tried to teach Tony about making money. The next day Donald would try and split the six figure costs of the party with Tony. So Tony took a page out of Donalds play book and drastically negotiated down the sum and promised to pay to write the check not to Donald but to a charity of Tony’s choice. Not long after, Donald approached Tony to write a sequel! Tony ended up writing What Really Matters as he felt an emptiness after writing Trump’s book and became a seeker wanting to connect with something more real, essential and timeless.

– In 2016 Tony pledged the royalties of the book to these charities: the National Immigration Law Center, Human Rights Watch, the Center for the Victims of Torture, the National Immigration Forum, and the Tahirih Justice Center. He said he can’t right it and will carry it till the end of his life so the more the book sells the more money he can donate to the people whose rights Trump is messing with.

– Trump thought he was doing this for publicity. Then called Tony to confirm that he’s not voting for The Donald. Tony explained how he disagrees with a lot of what Donald is saying. Donald thought that he should have just remained silent then. He told Tony that he was disloyal and he made Tony rich.

The above summary reminds me of the narcissistic personality post which I regularly update.

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– Following trailers that tenants used to use to move out the day before money was due.
– Not leasing to blacks and trying to come off as not being discriminatory.
– GAH! I read the above article before finishing the book so didn’t really care much to make notes.

1. Dealing: A Week in the Life

2. Trump Cards: The Elements of the Deal

3. Growing Up

4. The Cincinnati Kid: Prudence Pays

5. The Move to Manhattan

6. Grand Hotel: Reviving 42nd Street

7. Trump Tower: The Tiffany Location

8. Gaming: The Building on the Boardwalk

9. Wynn-Fall: The Battle for Hilton

10. Low Rend, High Stakes: The Showdown on Central Park South

11. Long Shot: The Spring and Fall of the USFL

12. Ice Capades: Rebuilding Wollman Ring

13. Comeback: The West Side Story

14. The Week That Was: How the Deals Came Out


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