
What You Know as Yoga is Really Called Asanas / Poses, which is 1/8th of Yoga – Infographics (Spread The Word)

I beseech all yoga lovers, yoga teachers and truth spreaders to spread this message. You know it means a lot when you see ‘beseech’ in a sentence. With all the yoga gimmicks popping up we need to remember the real meaning of yoga.

What you know as yoga is really called asana/pose/posture and only an eighth of what true yoga really embodies.

Below is a summary of the 8 limbs of yoga followed by pictures to make it clearer:
1 – Yama (abstinence)
Non-voilence, truthfulness, non-stealing, continence, and non-greed.
2 – Niyama (observance)
Purity, contentment, accepting but not causing pain, study of spiritual books and worship of God (self-surrender).
3 – Asana (posture)
4 – Pranayama (breath control)
5 – Pratyahara (sense withdrawal)
6 – Dharana (concentration)
7 – Dhyana (meditation)
8 – Samadhi (contemplation, absorption or superconscious state)

To read more click here – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda

Bonus – Yoga in America Often Exploits My Culture—but You May Not Even Realize It … thanks Varsha

Has Yoga Lost It’s Soul – Sivarama Swami … thanks Ada

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