
The End of Victimhood – Matt Kahn / TrueDivineNature.com

– You’re not their target. It’s their instant replay of how they were treated in their past.

– See if it as an invitation to see what it’s like to be in their life.

– This is when you should give complements.

– You’re not here to teach them a lesson.

– They’re not talking to you but looking for the angel in you.

Say thank you… I really appreciate that. For sharing with me what is lingering in your field.

– Don’t reflect their energy back to ‘make them see what they are radiating’.

– Something about who has more energy will win and the loser will reflect the winner. A powerfully certain person wins. So we have to be equally confident with a negative person.

– When you win they’ll come back with scepticism or sarcasm so think that you’re winning.

– Jokes about Care Bears are not very grounded because they do all this love work but have not come together to talk about why they’re not wearing any pants.

This is not an excuse to stay in abusive relationships!

– Victimhood is connected to domination. Someones behaviour has shut you down so you can’t respond with a blessing. They lash out unconsciously and you forget that you’re an angel to liberate them. And all you think is ‘they must be destroyed’.

If you feel pain during this, that is where you know love should go.

– Just say THANK YOU. Thank you, you’re only lashing out at my little pony energy because you know I’m an angel in disguise here to liberate you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

– Breaks down crucifixion symbolism.

– It’s not how they treat you, it’s how you respond that will change what you experience.

So people who say nasty stuff are just looking for angels to liberate them.

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