Update: NEVER get into it with a profile that doesn’t have a face or a real life. It’s most probably a bot/troll that has been configured to spread fake news, mimic human behaviour and aggravate people online. More info on how to spot a bot/troll.
How many reasons are we going to find to separate us?

There have been a few times I’ve been dragged down to their level and beaten by their experience so this is a good reminder.
Please let me know if there are any other ones in the comments and I’ll update the list.
Don’t feed the basement mutants and trolls
BBC & TL Spend on Yourself and Capture the WealthHere’s me commentary on modern debating online. Crank ya sound! pic.twitter.com/7uBBoY7fRQ
— Ozzy Man Reviews (@OzzyManReviews) January 18, 2019

Amazon #ads

Some of the main topics I avoid:
– Music, food or clothing preference.
– Your religion vs. their religion.
– Veg/Vegan vs. Meat.
– No-god vs. God.
– Apple/Mac vs. PC/Blackberry/Samsung/Andriod/Every other brand.
– Democrats vs. republicans.
– Spanking vs. Not spanking kids.
– Vaccine (vaxxer) vs. Anti-vaccine (anti-vaxxer)
Remember, it’s about Perspective