
The Way Of Men – Jack Donovan

The Way Of Men – Jack Donovan

At first I thought ‘not another fool talking about the BE A MAN nonsense’. But then he made a lot of sense towards the end of the book. I still don’t think we should be compared to animals like bonobos or chimps as we are so much more than that but hey. Decent read when he’s not repeating the same thing. Big up Big Brandon Carter for the recommendation.

– Thomas Hobbes wrote that when men live without fear of a common power, they live in a state of “warre.” In warre, every man is against every other man. Author disagrees and makes his point.
– Strength of the bond between men increases as the size of the unit decreases.
– Muzafer Sherif’s ‘Robbers Cave Experiment’. Basically a group is formed and they are against another group until both groups face the same threat and they get together to make one group.
– Men who are good at being men will earn respect and trust and treated better than men who are disloyal or undependable.

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– Strength, courage, mastery & honour.
– There is reflexive honour which is like tit for tat and cultural honour which is more about morals.
– Berdake is like a transgender person for Native Americans.
– Repeating lot of info.
– Mafia would not womanise and yakuza gave to the poor to be good men.
– Remove justice, and what are kingdoms but gangs of criminals on a large scale? What are criminal gangs but petty kingdoms? – St. Augustine
– Story of Romulus and Remus and how they conquered Rome and tricked the neighbours to get wives.
– Primal gang bonding are simulated by police, military, guardian activities. Experienced through ritualised gang activities like sports. Males watch other males or read about such males.
– Apart from the usual male things there is a good balance like powerlifters and runners, jocks and intellectuals, etc
– As soon as a woman is introduced the men will focus on impressing them instead.
– Feminist demands are murdering male identity. Everything is now too violent or dangerous.
– Bonobos are different in that they share the females and don’t know who the fathers are. Females engage in hoka-hoka with new groups (female on female) then with the males after they were watch.
– Our bodies can endure a lot but we con ourselves to sit and reply to emails all day.
– We don’t watch startrek because they are peaceful but for the conflict.
– Sex today has become masturbating with someone else’s body.
– Be a good boy, well groomed, have a job, say the right things, find a nice girl, give her a baby and help her pay for it.
– Gilgamesh story and how a girl tried to get him to go The Way of Women and fill their belly.

– Preface

– The Way of Men is The Way of The Gang

– The Perimeter
Hunting and Fighting
The Party-Gang
Drawing the Perimeter
A Role Apart

– The Tactical Virtues

– Strength

– Courage

– Mastery

– Honor
Understanding Dishonor
Flamboyant Dishonor

– On Being A Good Man

– Thug Life: The Story of Rome

– A Check to Civilization
Simulated Masculinity
Vicarious Masculinity
Intellectualized Masculinity

– The Bonobo Masturbation Society
The Chimpanzee Way
The Bonobo Way
A Conflict of Interests

– What is Best in Life?

– Start the World

– How To Start A Gang
Create Proximity
Choose Your Us
Create Fraternity

– Acknowledgments

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