
32 Questions to Ask your Father (Includes my Dad’s Answers when I Asked him)

Below are some questions you might ask him (or any parent or caregiver). I hope it helps you get to know him even better, and that the recordings connect you to him should he ever pass away and also serve to share his message with your children and future generations. If you have lost your father like me and so many of us, remember him kindly today, for it is his day.

Paras 2022 Update: Ever since I got news of Betty White’s death (Dec 31st 2021), I’ve been thinking of dad a lot because his favourite sitcom was The Golden Girls. Music, chocolates, graphic design and comedies were something dad and I would bond over the most. Anyway I started watching the whole series again and month by month I think of dad more and more. Wherever he is, I hope he’s in peace.

Related links:
RIP Daddio 7/6/2020 – Eulogy and Prayers
Movie Parts I Got my Daddio – Mukund Thakrar

1. What comes to mind when you think about growing up in [hometown]?

2. What did you love to do as a kid, before high school?

3. What did you love to do in high school?

4. What do remember most about your teenage years?

5. What do you remember most about your mom (grandma)?

6. What was most important to her?

7. What do you remember most about your dad (grandpa)?

8. What was most important to him?

9. If grandma and grandpa had a message to you and their grandchildren, what do you think it is?

10. How did you meet [spouse] and know (s)he was the one?

11. How did you choose your career and what was your favorite part about it?

12. What made you successful at work?

13. What did you believe about yourself that helped you become successful and deal with hard times?

14. What times in your life truly “tested your mettle,” and what did you learn about yourself by dealing (or not dealing) with them?

15. What three events most shaped your life?

16. What do you remember about when each of us was born?

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17. Were you ever scared to be a parent?

18. What three words would you say represented your approach to parenting and why?

19. When you think about [sibling] how would you describe him?

20. What message do you have for [sibling] that you want him to always keep in mind? [Do the last two questions above for each sibling in your family]

21. When you think about [spouse], how would you describe her/him?

22. What message do you have for [spouse] that you want her/him to always keep in mind?

23. What three words would you say best describe who you tried to be in life and how you want to be remembered?

24. When they think about their careers, what do you want your children to focus on?

25. What have you learned about other people in life? (trustworthy, kind or not and mean)?

26. What do you think the world needs more of right now?

27. What do you believe people want the most in life?

28. What were the three best decisions you’ve ever made?

29. What are you most proud of in life?

30. What were five of the most positive moments of your life?

31. What message would you like to share with your family?

32. What are you most thankful for?

More links

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