
50 Commons Things You Probably Didn’t Know There Was A Word For

1. Paresthesia – the prickly feeling when your limb “falls asleep”

2. Balter – dancing clumsily

3. Petrichor – the way it smells after it rains

4. Grawlix – a series of symbols commonly used in comics or cartoons to represent curse words

5. Callipygian – having a shapely butt

6. Nibling – the gender-neutral term for nieces or nephews

7. Ailurophile – a cat lover

8. Phosphene – a luminous impression due to excitation of the retina (stars you see when you rub your eyes)

9. Aglet – the tag covering the ends of a shoelace

10. Pilgarlic – a bald head

11. Philtrum – the vertical groove on the median line of the upper lip

12. Natiform – something resembling a butt

13. Darkle – becoming cloudy or dark

14. Pogonotrophy – growing and grooming a beard or other facial hair

15. Cancatervate – heaping things into a pile

16. Lemniscate – the infinity symbol

17. Dactylion – the tip of the middle finger

18. Poobah – a powerful person

19. Interrobang – a punctuation mark designed for use especially at the end of an exclamatory rhetorical question; usually written as ?!

20. Bruxism – involuntary habitual teeth grinding; usually during sleep

21. Rasceta – the lines on the inside of your wrist

22. Rasher – a thin slice of bacon

23. Pandiculation – stretching when tired or when waking up

24. Runcation – removing weeds

25. Sciapodous – having large feet

26. Crapulence – sickness from eating or drinking too much

27. Muntin – a strip separating panes of glass in a window

28. Krukolibidinous – looking at someone’s crotch

29. Griffonage – careless or illegible handwriting

30. Interfenestration – the space between two windows

31. Caruncle – the triangular, pink areas at the corner of your eyes

32. Agelast – a person who never laughs

33. Kyphorrhinos – a nose with a bump in it

34. Duffifie – laying a bottle on its side for some time so that it may be completely drained of the few drops remaining

35. Scintillate – emiting sparks

36. Snellen chart – the standard eye exam chart

37. Cachinnate – laughing very loudly

38. Preantepenultimate – fourth from last

39. Algedonic – something that is both painful and pleasurable

40. Brannock device – that metal thing used to measure your feet at a shoe store

41. Steatopygic – having a large butt

42. Gambrinous – being full of beer

43. Tatterdemalion – a person dressed in ragged clothing

44. Accubation – eating or drinking while lying down

45. Defenestrate – throwing of a person or thing out of a window

46. Tines – the prongs of a fork

47. Fourchette – a strip or shaped piece used for the sides of the fingers of a glove

48. Armscye – the shape or outline of the armhole in clothing

49. Lunule – a crescent-shaped body part or marking (such as the whitish mark at the base of a fingernail)

50. Tittle – the dot over i or j

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