
The Absolute Essentials of Islam by Faraz Fareed Rabbani

The Absolute Essentials of Islam: Faith, Prayer, & the Path of Salvation According to the Hanafi School by Faraz Fareed Rabbani

Most of the book is the whole ritual of the prayers and how to wash and you could say the importance of being clean. And if you do even one thing wrong in the whole process the prayer is invalid. Then there are levels of acceptability like disliked but ok, disliked, prohibited, necessary. Ah here we go 1. Obligatory (fard), 2. Necessary (wajib), 3. Emphasized Sunna (sunna mu’akkada), 4. Recommended (mustahabb), 5. Permissible (mubah), 6. Somewhat Disliked (makruh tanzihan), 7. Prohibitively disliked (makruh tahriman), 8. Forbidden (haram). These 8 rulings are according to the Hanafi School.

– Preface
– Belief
Belief in Allah
Belief in the Angels
Belief in the Books
Belief in Allah’s Messengers
Belief in the Last Day
Belief in Destiny

– The Rulings of the Sacred Law
– Purification (Tahara)
The Ritual Bath (Ghusl)
The Ritual Bath: A Detailed Description from Beginning to End
Ritual Ablution (Wudu)
The Obligatory Acts of Ritual Ablution
The Ritual Ablution: A Detailed Description
The Nullifiers of Ritual Ablution

– The Prayer (Salat)
Conditions of the Prayer
The Integrals (Arkan) of the Prayer
The Necessary (Wajib) Actions of the Prayer
Performing the Prayer
A Complete Description of the Prayer
The Actions Disliked (Makruh) in the Prayer
Actions that Invalidate the Prayer

– The Path to Salvation
– Appendix 1: The Sunna Prayers
– Appendix 2: Dealing with Doubts & Misgivings
– Appendix 3: Selected Prayers & Suras
– Notes

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