The whole book sounds like The Game of Thrones happening inside a woman. All I can say is one more book on this subject and then I’m going to take a break from it. No more sexual lucubrations for a while.
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– Groups that keep partners females hide fertility.
– Women not always fertile after 14 days. Men should inseminate every 2 days not missing any days. 1 missed insemination would be critical.
– Wet patch 30 – 45 mins after insemination. Stuff about flow back and flow back watching.
– Viginal anatomy, stuff about cervical mucous and how the amount will determine insemination or not.
– Men’s anatomy. Different sperms and shapes. Killers blockers, and egg getters. Warrior sperm jabs poison. Also family planning sperm that exist more when man is stressed.
– Men caught easier in infidelity. Women more creative.
– Absence of ovulation while breast feeding too.
– Leaves, crocodile dung and other weird stuff we’re inserted as contraceptive.
– 10% of children are not sired by woman’s partner.
– More sons born but both genders equalise because sons die earlier more.
– Penis anatomy perfect, thrust pushes own sperm and scoops out other’s.
– Female chimps and porcupines use sticks and run to stimulate themselves.
– Homo men usually have uncles with same tendencies usually on mothers side.
– Goes deep into homo and bisexuality, prostitution, rape, orgasms, meaning of testicle and penis size, infidelity, etc.
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I – The Generation Game
1: Great Uncle Who?
II – Routine Sex
2: Normal Service
3: The Wet Sheet
4: Topping Up
5: Conception
III – Sperm Wars
6: A Chance Affair
7: A Sperm War
IV – Counting the Cost
8: Doesn’t He Look Like His Father?
9: Making Mistakes
10: Licking Infidelity
11: Checkmate
V – Secret Anticipation
12: A Double Life
13: Multiply, But Don’t Divide
14: A Wet Dream
VI – Successful Failure
15: Home for the Day
16: The Stress of It All
17: How Forgetful
VII – Shopping Around for Genes
18: Spoilt for Choice
19: Fair Exchange
20: Tasteful Display
21: An Abandoned Selection?
VIII – The Climax of Influence
22: Finger on the Button
23: Dark Secret
24: Another Successful Failure
25: Correcting Mistakes
26: Putting It All Together
IX – Learning the Gropes
27: Practice Makes Quite Good
28: Rough and Tumble
29: How to Con
X – One Way or Another
30: Best of Both Worlds
31: The Coming of Women
32: The Tenth Tonight
33: The Predator
34: Soldier, Soldier
35: Men Are All the Same
36: Exquisite Confusion
XI – Final Score
37: Total Success