
Purification with the 5 Elements (Pancha Bhuta) by Ananda Vdovic

Every illness of the body, every discomfort in the mind and disharmony of the emotions are due to impurities. We come into this world pure – that´s why babies are so charming and blissful – and we leave it impure. We need to change that. We need to get back to a state of purity.

There are  9 GREAT PURIFIERS: 

The 5 Elements, the mind, the heart, the Soul – and Divine Grace. 

Each following one is more powerful than the one before.  Let us look at them – from gross to subtle: 

1.   Prithivi – Earth Element:

Earth is used for purification and healing. There are mud-packs with black mud,  there are certain healing earth therapies with volcanic earth that absorbs toxins (Bentonite). People use minerals  and metals in medical preparations ,i.e. in Siddha medicine. And they also use crystals from deep inside the earth for healing purposes. (There are many books on “Healing with Crystals”)

Mother Earth also gives us healing and purifying food, herbs and spices  – but mostly we make the wrong use of it: Our Food is often denaturated and filled with toxic additionals, which create illnesses in the first place.  If welearn to eat and drink the right things and prepare them in the right way (i.e.mostly un-processed = raw) we can also heal with food. Wild animals know instinctively, which food is good for them. We have lost this instinct. Healing and purifying with food is a science in itself.

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2.   Apah/Jala/Varuna – Water Element:

Water is the most known and used purifier.  We keep our bodies and clothes clean with water. We drink, to help our kidneys flush out impurities. Many therapies are based on water treatments:water massage, pure drinking water, healing waters, Kneipp treatments,detoxification of the whole body with Aqua Detox and many others. One cannot think of purification without mentioning water. We use water purifying systems: first we purify the drinking water –then the drinking water purifies us ! 

3.   Agni – Fire:

Fire is a great purifier (Puri-Fire)! It is used for sterilization, because it destroys all germs, bacteria, viruses and parasites.  It has the same purifying effect, when you sit in a fire-ceremony, like Agnihotra, Yagya or Homa.  When you sit there and breathe in the fumes,you get purified from all germs, bacteria, viruses and parasites.  Because Of this it is called “HOMA THERAPY”, as taught by Sri Vasant and others – and it has been found to cure many diseases, including cancer!

Another great purifier is the SUN-Light: Sun-gazing or Solar Yoga, when practised properly as taught by Hira Ratan Manek, purifies mind, body and emotions – and also improves eye-sight. 

4.   Vayu– Air Element:

Also air element is a powerful purifier. Every single breath we take purifies us.Without it we could not even live a single hour! Deep breathing, especially breathing exercises like Pranayamas and Sudarshan Kriya purify our body from toxins and our mind and emotions from negativity.  Sudarshan Kriya has been proven to increase good health and psychological well-being. Also in natural medicine oxygen is used to purify and revitalize the blood: the doctor takes some blood of the patient,enriches it with oxygen – and injects it back into the body.  There are other ozone therapies and treatments with pure air.  But each increasingly subtle element is more powerful and effective: 

5.   Akasha– Space Element:

Which healing systems belong to space element ? I thought about it and came to 2:movement happens in space – and sound travels in space.  To movement belong all kinds of sports and exercise : from brisk walking or running (jogging) over swimming, dance and other sports to gymnastics and Hatha Yoga exercise – all involve movement –and deeper, rhythmical breathing (air).

Often we neglect movement of the body. (I do too.)But our bodies are happy, when we move – they need and enjoy movement. And regular movement, together with deep rhythmical breathing, also purify and heal the body.

The other part of healing with space element is sound: music can heal the psyche,the emotions, and especially Mantras are healing sounds. Sound therapy will be discovered and used more and more in the new coming Age of Enlightenment:Healing with music and Mantras.  Mantras are most powerful healers and purifiers: they heal not only the mind and emotions, but also the whole environment from collective stress and negativity.Because Mantras are so powerful healers, we use them for chanting, japam and meditation. When we repeat them aloud, they belong to the outer space element. When we think them mentally, they belong to the inner space– Chit-Akash – and are even more powerful !

Only few things are more powerful than Mantras – holy sounds…

6.   Manas– Mind:

The mind is too often polluted with stress and then indulges in negative thought and imaginations. This leads to illness and all kinds of misfortune. It is MOSTNECESSARY to purify the mind ! The mind can be purified by all the above means,but most effectively through Mantras and meditation.  

But when pure, the mind can also be a powerful healer: positive thoughts and images in the mind are more powerful healers and purifiers than all medicines !Illnesses start FIRST in the mind – with disharmonic thoughts and emotions –and THEN later manifest in the body.  Vice versa with positive, happy and loving thoughts and feelings, the mind can also heal the body. 

7.   The Heart:

Love in the heart is the greatest Purifier ! Many times severe chronical illnesses disappear “by themselves” – without apparent outer reason – and the doctors stand stunned before another “miracle”. This happens, when Love takes the rule in the life of the patient: sometimes,when they are in Love, or when a woman is becoming a mother, during pregnancy –or when one has completely surrendered to the Divine…

Whatever the circumstances are – nothing is more healing than Love…

8.   Atman– the Soul:

When we are in conscious connection with our Divine Essence – Soul – Self – Atman – like Yogis and mystics are,  we get purified from all impurities – on all levels of our relative existence.  To this purifier also belongs prayer. Prayer,meditation– and surrender – brings us in contact with the soul – the Divine – with God.  Again: Nothing is more powerful and healing than the Divine Soul in us.

The Self is ever pure – Shuddha – ever  free –Muktoham– ever blissful – Anandoham – and ever –auspicious – Sada-Shiva.  This is expressed in the beautiful Sanskrit verse: 

“ShivohamShivoham Shiva Svarupoham. 
NityohamShuddhoham Muktoham Buddhoham.
AdvaitamaanandaRupam Arupam. 
ChiddohamChiddoham Sat Chit Anandoham.
ShivohamShivoham Shiva Svarupoham….”

9.   Divine Grace:

Divine Grace – or the Blessing of a Yogi or Enlightened One – is the greatest of all –it is unpredictable and completely beyond explanation.

In ancient times people had the maxim: “Mens sana in Corpore sano” – a healthy mind in a healthy body. This is still valid today. All these means of purification help.

But my list is by no means complete. If you can think of more examples of purification with the 5 elements etc… –  I am happy if you add them…

Love –  


Bhuta (Element)Human Body ComponentAssociated FingerAssociated consortCharacteristic principle[6]Sense Organs
Akasha/Dyaus (Sky)Astral bodyMiddle FingerBhumi/PrithviSoundEars
Vayu (Air)AirIndex FingerLehariTouchSkin (tvac)
Agni (Fire)Body HeatThumbSwahaForm-colour (Rupa)Eyes
Jala/Varuna (Water)Water (incl blood)Little FingerVaruniTaste (rasa)Tongue
Bhumi/Prithvi (Earth)Flesh, bones & organsRing FingerDyaus/Akasha or Varaha/VishnuSmellNose

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