
The Rational Male – Hypergamy: Micro to Macro – Rollo Tomassi (Bonus: 9 Rules & Red Pill Doc)

The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi 📖 Book Summary (9 minutes)

The Rational Male – Hypergamy: Micro to Macro – Rollo Tomassi

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– Hypergamy – women marry up.

– Alpha and beta has nothing to do with the animal definition. So in this case think of Alphas as the ones women want.

– So many definition is red pill so here it’s about when you were blue pill and then found out the truth about life.

– Manosphere – collection of guys sharing their knowledge.

– 28 day cycle for women. 14th day being ovulating. So after 14 days she goes into alpha phase. The other is follicular phase. In fertility phase she’s looking for aplha masculine dominance, masculine features, going clubbing to look for alphas, v taper, confidence, assertiveness, t-shirt sweat with high testosterone. She’s basically trying to breed with the best genetics. Alpha fucks not beta bucks. If they’re not satisfied this is when they start nagging. So turn it up in that phase. They start dressing sexy, feeling sexy. They’ll tend to avoid brothers and fathers to increase her chances.

– The other phase they’re looking for emotional tampons, beta orbiters, the one she calls to talk about he other guy, the nice guy. She’s keeping him as a provision. Estrous cycle or oestrus cycle – females go in concealed heat. Theres sex for paternity and transactional sex. So she can breed with someone with good genes while being married to the one who can provide. All men have the betaness in spades.

– Strategic pluralism – why alphas sow their oats and get most of the women. Pareto principle in sexual market place. Porn appeals to the unlimited sex that alphas attract.

– Women are trying to balance this. Men still want to pedestalise women. It’s not that Betas are getting their efforts paid off later in life it’s that the women are starting to lose their value.

– Women on tinder have 80% advantage. They will do anything in their power to control hypergamy. Guys were happy when the pill was introduced but they were signing themselves out of the gene pool too. Same reason why guy gets screwed over in divorce laws, domestic violence laws, etc.

– Poly movement – betas fighting over who will provide for her.

– He says men are true romantics because he’s idealist while she’s hypergamous. All romantic gestures where created by men. She will only move up, he doesn’t mind.

– Even at her horniest she’s not where near has horny as you.

The Rational Male: Positive Masculinity Q & A | Rollo Tomassi

Q&A Summary:
– From very early age kids are being taught that being a boy or boyish is a bad thing. This is why guys don’t want to participate in society (MGTOW and also see Sexodus). It takes a village to raise a child but the village is blue pilling children.

– You can’t trust a kid to cross the road but you’re giving them the option to choose from 65 and growing different genders?

– More transgender instances are from boy to girl.

– There is a conditioning where men are not trusted with children. Men bad, women good. Men evil, women good. The single mother is the hero. Dad not around so he’s bad. But when the kid behaves badly then it’s the absent father. So we need the father but we don’t really need the father. (The Absolute Necessity of Fathers)

– The culture is so hostile they’re trying to blue pill kids younger and younger… from age 4 now.

– Extinction agenda: Anything seen male or masculine is being removed. Remove man from everything. You don’t want people being ‘triggered’.

– Encourage a transgender boy to being a drag queen at a young age.

– Consent laws for men. So men are given the onus or power to be the one asking for consent.

– His book does not stereotype women but it predicts the patterns really well.

– How is it every Disney movie the woman is the hero. Princess would try to save the prince.

– There are blue pill guys who will resist but just give them the book and tell them it might help them.

– Also all men have a calling at the moment to spread the Red Pill message far and wide. Social media, blogs, videos… just spread the word.

– Tribes: Men are tribal in nature. Women talk, men do. Women talk facing each other, men talk facing the ‘target’ or away. So now society makes men feel bad when men don’t communicate like women.

The 9 Iron Rules of Tomassi

Iron Rule of Tomassi #1 4:00
Frame is everything. Always be aware of the subconscious balance of whose frame in which you are operating. Always control the Frame, but resist giving the impression that you are.

Iron Rule of Tomassi # 2 13:40
NEVER, under pain of death, honestly or dishonestly reveal the number of women you’ve slept with or explain any detail of your sexual experiences with them to a current lover.

Iron Rule of Tomassi #3 20:45
Any woman who makes you wait for sex, or by her actions implies she is making you wait for sex; the sex is NEVER worth the wait.

Iron Rule of Tomassi #4 30:25
NEVER under any circumstance live with a woman you aren’t married to or are not planning to marry in within 6 months.

Iron Rule of Tomassi #5 45:49
NEVER allow a woman to be in control of the birth.

Iron Rule of Tomassi #6 52:35
Women are utterly incapable of loving a man in the way that a man expects to be loved.

In its simplicity this speaks volumes about the condition of Men. It accurately expresses a pervasive nihilism that Men must either confront and accept, or be driven insane in denial for the rest of their lives when they fail to come to terms with the disillusionment.

Women are incapable of loving men in a way that a man idealizes is possible, in a way he thinks she should be capable of.

Iron Rule of Tomassi #7 1:03:47
It is always time and effort better spent developing new, fresh, prospective women than it will ever be in attempting to reconstruct a failed relationship. Never root through the trash once the garbage has been dragged to the curb. You get messy, your neighbors see you do it, and what you thought was worth digging for is never as valuable as you thought it was.

Iron Rule of Tomassi #8 1:12:07
Always let a woman figure out why she wont ƒuck you, never do it for her.

An integral part of maintaining the feminine imperative as the societal imperative involves keeping women as the primary sexual selectors. As I’ve detailed in many prior comments and posts, this means that a woman’s sexual strategy necessitates that she be in as optimized a condition as her capacity (attractiveness) allows for her to choose from the best males available to satisfy that strategy.

Iron Rule of Tomassi #9 1:16:34
Never Self-Deprecate under any circumstance. This is a Kiss of Death that you self-initiate and is the antithesis of the Prize Mentality. Once you’ve accepted yourself and presented yourself as a “complete douche” there’s no going back to confidence with a woman. Never appeal to a woman’s sympathies. Her sympathies are given by her own volition, never when they are begged for — women despise the obligation of sympathy. Nothing kills arousal like pity. Even if you don’t seriously consider yourself pathetic, it never serves your best interest to paint yourself as pathetic. Self-Depreciation is a misguided tool for the AFC, and not something that would even occur to an Alpha.

Super secret Bonus – The Red Pill
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